2014 Silver Helmet Awards

2014 Silver Helmet Awards. Nominations due June 28t

h. Download the nomination form here:







The Silver Helmet Awards ceremony recognizes excellence and outstanding accomplishment in the fields of Americanism, defense, rehabilitation, congressional and civil service. Nominations for the Silver Hel­met Awards originate with individual AMVETS members and AMVETS posts‚ and are endorsed by the respective state AMVETS honors and awards committees prior to the AMVETS national convention in August.The AMVETS Silver Helmet Award‚ a unique silver replica of the World War II GI helmet‚ has over the years acquired a well-deserved reputation as the most prestigious of all the awards given by vet­er­ans organizations and is now known as the “Veterans Oscar.” The Silver Helmet was first presented at the AMVETS 10th Anniversary Dinner to World War II hero and diplo­mat General of the Army George C. Marshall‚ in recognition of his contributions as a soldier‚ statesman and American.

The AMVETS National Hon­ors and Awards Committee‚ composed of all past national commanders and the last five “AMVET-of-the-Year” awardees‚ reviews the nominations and makes recommendations to the convention to determine the recipients.

The Sil­ver Helmet Awards Banquet is held annually in conjunction with the AMVETS Spring National Executive Committee meeting. In addition to AMVETS members, the audience includes cabinet members‚ members of Congress and military officials who come to pay tribute to the recipients of the award and AMVETS.

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