Alert 13-6: Veteran Anti-Discrimination Initiative

 Alert 13-6: Veteran Anti-Discrimination Initiative

The AMVETS membership approved a resolution at last year’s annual convention instructing HQ to do everything possible to eliminate all forms of veteran discrimination.  Since then, much time and effort has gone into pursuing this issue, including countless Hill visits and meetings with our colleagues in the veteran/military service organization community.
While we haven’t made much headway in garnering support for our initiative within the veterans/military community, we do have draft language for bills to be introduced in both the House and the Senate.  AMVETS is extremely grateful to both Rep. Kilmer (D-6th/WA) and Sen. Blumenthal (D-CT) for taking the lead on ending the problem of veteran discrimination.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the introduction of our legislation has been delayed.  We need each of you to help increase sponsorship of our legislation so our bills can be introduced sooner rather than later.
We’ve done the hard part for you; to do your part, simply click on ‘Take Action’ and you’ll be directed to our advocacy site where you’ll find a fully-editable, pre-written letter that you can print/mail or email to your elected officials.
Diane M. Zumatto
National Legislative Director

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