American Veterans Hawaii June 2016 Post Meeting

For widest dissemination, Join us! American Veterans Hawaii Meeting Date: Saturday, 18 June 2016 Timeline: 1230 – 1300: Meet-and-Greet (Pupus) 1300 – 1400: Meeting in Session 1400 – 1430: Breakdown/Farewell Continue Reading →

American Samoa Veterans Gathering

For widest dissemination, What: American Samoa Veterans Gathering When: Wednesday, 22 June 2016 (0800 – 1400) Where: Veterans Memorial Center, Tafuna POC: Mr. Johnny Mapu (684) 699-3730  

Call to Action…! The Waikiki Natatorium War Memorial needs your voice!!!

WCP, the City’s consultant is convening focus groups to collect input on the historic preservation impacts of various options for War Memorial Natatorium. The historic and cultural importance of the Continue Reading →

Veterans of Atomic Test Blasts Update

Call for action on a problem that is long overdue a solution… Though Congress passed the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act to cover personnel that participated in atomic testing from 1944 Continue Reading →


At first there was no place for us to go until someone put up that Black Granite Wall. Now, every day and night, my Brothers and my Sisters Wait to Continue Reading →

Employment Opportunities…

JUNE 2016 Employment Assistance Update: I. Employment Assistance Here are some contacts to assist you in your Job Search: 1. Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) – Kristina Continue Reading →

New National Park Service Link to Ewa Battlefield

Checkout the National Park Service’s new link to Ewa Battlefield! [The field is located across from the Hawaiian Railway Society Museum] The Ewa Plain Battlefield is located in the Continue Reading →

Ewa Battlefield Commemoration Media Coverage by KITV and KGMB

Ewa Battlefield hosts memorable ceremony – KITV Ewa Field Memorial Day – Hawaii News Now Photos: