Wreaths Across America – Punchbowl

Volunteers opportunities…

Mark Your Calendar

16 December 2017 (0800-Until)

Volunteers do not need to sign up, feel free to come on December 16th to lay wreaths

Address: 2177 Puowaina Dr, Honolulu, HI 96813

Wreaths Across America works each year to ensure every headstone is covered and we need your help to honor all those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice. The majority of donations come from the grassroots support of families and individuals, one wreath at a time. Each live balsam wreath is a gift of respect and appreciation, and placed on the graves by volunteers as a small gesture of gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy.

Donations can be made by clicking on the following link: https://wreaths.fastport.com/donateLocation.html?page=18158&relate=15672

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