American Veterans, Join Us!

Why Join AMVETS?

AMVETS is a vet­er­ans ser­vice orga­ni­za­tion devoted not only fel­low­ship, but also ser­vice to the com­mu­nity and other vet­er­ans. Join­ing with fel­low AMVETS in plan­ning and par­tic­i­pat­ing in post activ­i­ties, mem­bers pro­vide sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions to all areas of our vet­er­ans’ com­mu­nity. Mem­bers have joined our orga­ni­za­tion not only for the plea­sures they may have derived dur­ing the years, but also for the con­tri­bu­tions they can pro­vide to the well being of AMVETS by work­ing coop­er­a­tively with fel­low mem­bers. JOIN NOW Being a Member

The cor­ner­stone of AMVETS mem­ber­ship is the local post. Vary­ing in size from 10 mem­bers to more than 2,000 in some cases, each AMVETS post con­ducts pro­grams and activ­i­ties related to the state and national organization’s goals and objectives.

Mem­ber­ship, though, is not lim­ited to join­ing the AMVETS post in your home­town. In fact, there may not be a post there or you may not live close to one. In such cases, an indi­vid­ual may elect to become a member-at-large.

Being a Member-at-Large

If you didn’t Join a post, you have the mem­ber sta­tus of a Member-at-Large. A member-at-large does not belong to a post, yet the mem­ber is counted as a mem­ber to the state they have cho­sen upon application.

A member-at-large has all of the ben­e­fits of a post mem­ber except a member-at-large has NO vot­ing author­ity at the post, Depart­ment, or National level. As a member-at-large, you can request a trans­fer. Down­load trans­fer form Here.

We also offer two mem­ber­ship cat­e­gories—annual and life—each with its own dues structure.

Eli­gi­bil­ity & Dues

To be eli­gi­ble for mem­ber­ship in AMVETS, you must have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, includ­ing the National Guard and Reserves, any­time after Sept. 15, 1940. Addi­tion­ally, unless still serv­ing, your dis­charge must have been under hon­or­able con­di­tions. If you served as an Amer­i­can cit­i­zen in the armed forces of an allied nation, under hon­or­able con­di­tions, between Sept. 15, 1940 and May 8, 1975, you are also eli­gi­ble, as are wartime mem­bers of the Mer­chant Marine. Proof of eli­gi­bil­ity can take the form of a DD-214, an hon­or­able dis­charge cer­tifi­cate or other appro­pri­ate document.

As a rule of thumb, annual dues are $30, but this amount may vary from state to state or post to post. Life mem­ber dues are a min­i­mum of $250 as of 1/1/2012.These dues fund, in part, the pro­grams, ser­vices and rep­re­sen­ta­tion AMVETS provides.

Join online or your through your local post or department.

You can only join AMVETS online as a Mem­ber at Large (MAL). You are counted in our num­bers and help our efforts to pro­tect vet­er­ans’ rights in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. AMVETS National Head­quar­ters will share our ini­tia­tives and pur­pose through quar­terly issues of the Amer­i­can Vet­eran Mag­a­zine and e-mails. As a Mem­ber at Large you can­not vote in AMVETS elec­tions how­ever your mem­ber­ship is impor­tant to our efforts. At some point in your mem­ber­ship you may want to cre­ate or join a post. Posts are active through­out com­mu­ni­ties in Amer­ica uphold­ing the honor of vet­er­ans ser­vice and con­tin­u­ing to serve vet­er­ans and their com­mu­ni­ties. Annual mem­ber­ship dues are $30. Life mem­ber­ships are $250.

PLEASE NOTE: When join­ing online, please note the mem­ber­ship ver­biage in the Mem­ber­ship Man­ual. If you join any­time before Sept. 1 of the cur­rent year, your mem­ber­ship is good for the cur­rent year only. If you join on or after Sept. 1, your mem­ber­ship is good for the next year.


If you are already a member…

Con­sider it a per­sonal chal­lenge to bring into our ranks the best of those with whom we asso­ciate. Let us dig in with the same spirit that char­ac­ter­ized the men and women who pre­ceded us and bring some fine new mem­bers to our next post meeting.

Dis­claimer: AMVETS does not share with third par­ties the per­sonal or finan­cial infor­ma­tion of AMVETS mem­bers or mem­bers of the pub­lic who use their credit cards through the AMVETS Web site, AMVETS does offer refunds to its credit card users. AMVETS mails mem­ber­ship cards through the US Postal Ser­vice, which, depend­ing on vol­ume of requests, may take any­where from 1 to 4 weeks for final delivery.

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