AmVets Hawaii Welcomes Korean and Vietnam Veteran As Our new Legislative Director and Editor

Brooks Outland and COL Gadson during the filming of "Battle Ship"







Served as a Fire Controlman Trainee (FCSN) aboard the USS Missouri (BB-63) during that ship’s first combat deployment to Korea in 1950.   General Quarters station during combat operations as Telephone Talker/Assistant Director Operator for a quad-40mm anti-aircraft gun emplacement (fantail, port side).  Qualified to take over any gun crew position should they become incapacitated. Awarded Combat Action Ribbon, Korea Service Medal with two Battle Stars, Korean Presidential Unit Citation, Korea War Service Medal (1950/1952)


Served as a Yeoman Trainee (YNSN) with Commander Service Force, U. S. Atlantic Fleet (COMSERVLANT) in Norfolk, VA (1952/1954).  Advanced to YN3 in April 1952.


Broken Service (1954/57)


Served aboard the USS Forrestal (CVA-59) as Petty Officer-in-Charge of Administration – Operations Office.  Responsible for the 24-hour operation of the office by two enlisted crews.  (1957/1959).  Advanced again to YN3 in May 1958.


Student at the Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) Training School, Little Creek, VA (1959/1960).  Did not complete training due to previous spinal injury (Korea).  Advanced to YN2 in June 1959.


Served with Enlisted Personnel Distribution Office, Atlantic (EPDOLANT) in Norfolk, VA as Assistant to the Chief Petty Officer-in-Charge of the Command Mail Room and Central Files.  (1960/1962).  Advanced to YN1 in November 1961.


  Served with Commander Striking Fleet Atlantic Representative in Europe (COMSTRIKFLTLANTREPEUR) at NATO Headquarters in Paris, France as principle assistant to the Representative (Captain C. K. Ruiz, USN).  One of two individuals assigned to this activity.  Responsible for all functions of the activity in the absence of the Representative.  (1962/1964)


Served with Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (SACLANT) at NATO Allied Command Atlantic in Norfolk, VA as Supervisor of Command Typing Pool.  Responsible for editing all outgoing correspondence originated in the command. (1964/1966)


Served with Military Assistance Command Vietnam, Studies & Observations Group (MACV/SOG) in South Vietnam, as Assistant Top Secret (SPECAT) Control Officer.  SOG was formerly more accurately titled as Special Operations Group.  Recommended for the Meritorious Service Medal (awarded the Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy Presidential Unit Citation, Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation, Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation with Palm, Vietnam Civil Actions Unit Citation with Palm, Vietnam Campaign Medal).  (1966/67)


Served with Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic, Representative in Europe (SACLANTREPEUR) at NATO Headquarters in Paris, France and later in Brussels, Belgium as Writer and Administrative Assistant to the Representative (Rear Admiral, Royal Navy succeeded by Rear Admiral Netherlands Navy).  Recommended for the Meritorious Service Medal (awarded the Navy Commendation Medal).  (1967/1970).  Advanced to YNC in April 1968.


Served with Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (SACLANT) at NATO Allied Command Atlantic in Norfolk, VA as Writer and Administrative Assistant to Chief of Staff for Plans & Operations (Rear Admiral, USN).  Awarded the Joint Service Commendation Medal (2nd Award).  (1970/71).  Advanced to YNCS in November 1971.


Served as Personal Aide and Writer for Rear Admiral Dean L. Axene,  Deputy Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET), in Pensacola, FL.   The first and only Enlisted Flag Officer Personal Aide in the U.S. Navy at that time.  Authorized to wear the Aiguillettes that identifies an Aide for a two-star Admiral.   Awarded the Navy Commendation Medal (2nd Award).  (1971/73)


Retired from U.S. Navy as Senior Chief Yeoman (YNCS) on 1 Nov 1973 (20 years, 5 months, 21 days)


Served in U.S. Government Civil Service as Manpower Analyst, (GS-11) at CNET, Pensacola, FL.  Responsible for projecting total numbers of students and support personnel for all U.S. Navy training commands, for use in the Navy’s annual five-year budget projections.  (1973/1976)


Served as a partner in an all-volunteer group of four 100% disabled military retirees ( later Veterans Political Action Committee (VETSPAC).  The group was instrumental in getting legislation passed which now permits disabled veterans with VA disability ratings of 50% or higher to receive their earned retirement pay and their awarded VA disability compensation, concurrently.


Realizing that the state of Hawaii does not provide some of the benefits provided by other states, convinced Hawaii Senator Maile Shimabukuro to submit legislation which would provide certain disabled veterans an exemption of the annual vehicle tax.  That bill is SB 539.


Serving since 2007 as a Supervisor of Volunteers aboard the battleship USS Missouri (BB-63).  Responsible for supervising groups who volunteer in the maintenance and upkeep of the Mighty Mo.  Occasionally speak to visiting groups about life aboard the ship in the 1950’s.


Life member of DAV, VFW, USDR, KWVA, and NAUS.  Proactive, “grass roots” volunteer in support of legislation affecting disabled veterans since 1989.




Attended the College of William & Mary (Norfolk Division – now Old Dominion College), Norfolk, VA) pursuing a degree in education (1960)




Two years Spanish (High School)


Six years French (NATO Hdqtrs, Paris, France/Brussels, Belgium)


Graduated 2nd in a class of 108 officers and enlisted at the Vietnamese Language School, Coronado, California




Basic Recruit Training, Great Lakes, IL

Yeoman “A” School (Administration), Norfolk, VA 

Underwater Demolition Training (UDT), Little Creek, VA

Yeoman “B” School (Stenography), Bainbridge, MD

Counter-Insurgency Training, Coronado, CA   

Survival/ Escape/Evasion (SERE) Training, Coronado, CA Advanced Weapons Training, Camp Pendleton, CA           





Korea 1950/51 – USS Missouri (BB-63)

Vietnam 1966/67 – MACV/SOG




*Joint Service Commendation Medal                  

Joint Service Commendation Medal (2nd Award)       

*Navy Commendation Medal                      

Navy Commendation Medal (2nd Award)           

Combat Action Ribbon                        

Navy Presidential Unit Citation (MACV/SOG, Vietnam)   

Good Conduct Medal (5 Consecutive Awards)

Navy Occupation Medal                      

National Defense Service Medal (2nd Award)      

Korea Service Medal (2 Battle Stars)                   

Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal

Vietnam Service Medal (with 1 star)

Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation             

Korea Presidential Unit Citation                 

Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation (with palm leaf)    

Vietnam Civil Actions Unit Citation (with palm leaf)          

United Nations Service Medal (Korea)                 

Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal      

Republic of Korea War Service Medal

Korea Ambassador For Peace Medal


*– Recommended for Meritorious Service Medal



Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist Breast Insignia (Honorary)

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