USS Arizona Memorial Restoration Initiative

USS Arizona Memorial_Flag at half mast

This is an official USS Arizona Memorial fundraiser initiative, organized by the of USS Arizona Memorial Post, AMVETS Hawaii in order to help raise half of the initial $1.1 Million dollars still needed in restoration funds for the USS Arizona Memorial.

We are asking for your support to raise the needed funds to preserve what remains of the sunken battleship USS Arizona, the final resting place for many of the 1,177 crewmen killed on December 7, 1941.

How You Can Help:
A Market America NPO Web Portal has been setup for AMVETS Hawaii Non Profit Veterans Service Organization. You and all our supporters may now shop through our AMVETS Hawaii NPO Web Portal to earn at least 2% cash back on all of your purchases (that bare the “Cash Back” symbol) while generating weekly and monthly royalties for our organization. Access AMVETS Hawaii NPO Web Portal by using the following link:

Please share this link with all of your friends and family members by whatever communication means you normally use; such as email, bulletin board, etc.

If you have any questions, please contact Commander Donovan Lazarus 808-426-0393 or

Help as a Volunteer
For volunteer opportunities at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center and at the WWII Valor in the Pacific National Monument, please contact Kailene Nihipali at 808-954-8721 or

We are also accepting donations. Any amount will be greatly appreciated – please make checks out to the Pacific Historic Parks and mail it to the address below.

USS Arizona Memorial the #3 U.S. landmark in the nation!
Learn more about the USS Arizona Memorial:

With great appreciation,

Donovan A. Lazarus
Executive Director and Commander
American Veterans “AMVETS” Hawaii
USS Arizona Memorial
4725 Bougainville Drive, #323
Honolulu, Hawaii 96818
Cell: (808) 426-0393
Serving Veterans Since 1944

“What We Do In Life,
Echoes In Eternity”

Maximus Decimus Meridius
Strength and Honor!

Visit us:

AMVETS Hawaii Official Website

AMVETS Hawaii Facebook Page

USS Arizona Memorial Post Facebook Page

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