Ewa Battlefield Membership Drive

We need your help to preserve the memory and sacrifice of our fallen who were killed at Ewa Battlefield during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

American Veterans “AmVets” Hawaii, amvets-hawaii.org is building our Ewa Battlefield Post in an effort to rally community to help #SaveEwaField and to build our much needed Ewa Battlefield Memorial.

As a token of our appreciation of your Ewa Battlefield Post “annual” membership, you will receive a Maimoda Jewelry White Pearl Necklace, valued over $30 dollars.

Maimoda Jewelry https://www.etsy.com/shop/MaimodaJewelry

White Pearl Necklace options:
> Finish: 14k gold (f) or sterling silver
> Size: 16 inches or 18inches

Please email your completed membership application to ewafield@amvets-hawaii.org


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