USS Arizona Memorial needs a lot of major repairs

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The National Park Service has announced its plans for the refurbishment of the USS Arizona Memorial. Unfortunately after nearly 50 years in salt water the Memorial needs a lot of major repairs and the National Park Service has asked Pacific Historic Parks to lead the fund raising efforts which will cost approximately $800,000 to repaint and restore the Memorial. (This is not the final figure, but is the money needed before Memorial Day of 2012 to get the Memorial ready for the 50th anniversary.)

This coming Memorial Day of 2012, marks the 50th anniversary of the USS Arizona Memorial and we are working on replacing sections of the flooring, repairs to the entry hall, flag room, mezzanine, assembly hall, and refurbishing the exterior. The restoration also includes the replacement of the entire marble wall in the shine room, which displays the names of the fallen heroes.

Thanks so much for wanting to help us raise money for the refurbishment of the USS Arizona Memorial !!!!!! Please stay in touch on how we can work together.

Thanks for all your support.

Mahalo and Aloha

Carlton Kramer
Vice President of Marketing

Pacific Historic Parks
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

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