Horses for Patriots


Horses Help Veterans Cope With PSTD:

A promise kept

Rene Stone was inspired to help PTSD sufferers by her own experiences.

“The reason I do this is because my father was a veteran who suffered shell shock,” she said. “He ended up trying to commit suicide. Nobody could diagnose what was wrong with him.”

“Horses are highly in tune to their environment,” she said. “When you’re around the horse, the horse picks up on your emotion and mirrors it back to you. The way the treatment works, the horse becomes the metaphor for whatever is going on in (the person’s) life, whether it’s an abusive relationship or trauma.”

She added, “If you’re uptight or afraid or panicked, the horse is going to mirror that back at you, so you can see that and absorb it on a subconscious level – and in fact change it, because you’re not going to get the horse to respond differently unless you respond differently.”

21 OCT 2017 Membership Meeting Flyer

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American Veterans (AmVets) Hawaii is an all-volunteer, non-profit Veterans Service Organization (VSO). Our mission is to serve veterans and the active military in procuring their earned entitlements; to assists and advocates for severely wounded, ill or injured Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families; to provide horses to help suffering veterans experienced equine therapy; to support the preservation of Ewa Field , a National Historic WWII site; to provide community services that enhance the quality of life.

Photo taken of AmVets Hawaii Commander, Donovan A. Lazarus, (L) USS Arizona Adjutant, Annie Tran, (R) Ewa Battlefield CDR Ron Lam, Wounded Warrior Director, Tom Lee, USS Arizona 2nd Vice CDR Bartolome Latonio, Provost Marshall, Warren Brandt, 1st Vice CDR Clifford Chun, Ewa Historian & Dir., John Bond, Legislative Dir. Rodney Boucher, and Charter-member Lawrence Enomoto

Our Meeting Place:

We are located in the Historic World War II Revetments District, Barbers Point Stables (behind Barbers Point Golf Course), Ewa Plain Battlefield (aka Ewa Field), Kapolei, Hawaii.

Photo of American Veterans (AMVETS) Hawaii, Commander Donovan A. Lazarus with AMVETS Hawaii Wounded Warrior Director, SSG (Ret.) Thomas Kahalu Lee Jr., Para-triathlete. US Army Veteran, Wounded Warrior (Above-Knee Amputee -Iraq 2007) and Cancer survivor (2004), and Schoen U. Safotu, Chief of Voluntary Services, VA Pacific Islands Health Care System, also a Purple Heart recipient.

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