AmVets Hawaii Monthly Meeting; Saturday, 17 MAR 2018 (12:30-14:30)


For widest dissemination,

AmVets Hawaii meeting is this Saturday, 17 MAR 2018 (12:30-14:30)

Open to all Military, Veterans and Families

Ewa Field World War II Revetments District, Historic Barbers Point Stables, formerly known Barbers Point NAS and MCAS Ewa

Located inside the Barbers Point Golf Course, a Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) MWR facility. Passing the golf course entrance continue until seeing Barbers Point Riding Club sign, turn right – go all the way to the gated entrance by the solar PV farm.


AmVets Hawaii Meeting Flyer_17 MAR 2018

Hire Leeward Job Postings:

Clinic Operations Manager – Waiʻanae Coast Comprehensive Health Center (Waiʻanae)

Residential Administrative Support – Mutual Housing Association of Hawai`i (ʻEwa Beach)

Medical Assistant – Carolina Davide, M.D. (Waiʻanae)

Medical Assistant – Primary Care Medical Group (ʻEwa Beach)

Project Coordinator – A Team Pacific Roofing (Kapolei)

Click on the links below to checkout some of our photos posted on our Facebook Page:

AmVets Silver Helmet Awards Ceremony 2018

Capitol Hill and White House Visit

The AMVETS Silver Helmet Award‚ a unique silver replica of the World War II GI helmet‚ has over the years acquired a well-deserved reputation as the most prestigious of all the awards given by veterans organizations and is now known as the “Veterans Oscar.”

The AMVETS Silver Helmet Awards ceremony recognizes excellence and outstanding accomplishment in the fields of Americanism, defense, rehabilitation, congressional and civil service.

In addition to the Silver Helmet Awards, the AMVETS Auxiliary, since 1976, presents the Humanitarian Award to an outstanding American who serves our country in peace and war, who builds and maintains the welfare of the United States of America toward lasting prosperity and peace for all its inhabitants. The Sons of AMVETS also recognize a distinguished civic leader for their National Aid and Support.

The AMVETS Silver Helmet Awards Gala is held annually during the AMVETS Spring National Executive Committee meeting week. In addition to AMVETS members, the audience includes cabinet members‚ members of Congress and military officials who come to pay tribute to the recipients of the award and AMVETS.

On behalf of AMVETS (American Veterans), ​we are happy to announce that former Senator Daniel K. Akaka have been chosen to receive the 2018 AMVETS Silver Helmet Award for Congressional Service to veterans. The Silver Helmet Awards are unique silver replicas of the World War II GI helmet, and our first honoree was Olin​ ​E. Teague in 1952. Over the years the award has acquired a well-deserved reputation as the most prestigious award given by veterans’ service organizations, and is known as the “Veterans Oscar.”

#ICYMI Rep. Tulsi Gabbard accepted the AMVETS National Headquarters Silver Helmet Award for Congressional Service on behalf of Senator Daniel Akaka for his dedication to serving and empowering veterans in Hawai‘i and across the country. The award was presented at the annual AMVETS Silver Helmets Awards Banquet that recognizes individuals who have demonstrated leadership, excellence, and outstanding accomplishment in the fields of Americanism, defense, peace, rehabilitation, congressional and civil service.

“With a full heart of aloha, Senator Daniel Akaka dedicated his life in service to the people of Hawai‘i and our country,” said Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. “From his service in the US Army during World War II to his leadership as the Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Senator Akaka carried the stories and sacrifices of his fellow servicemembers wherever he went, and fought to secure better care, services, and opportunities for our nation’s veterans. Mahalo nui loa to my mentor and friend, Senator Daniel Akaka, for your lifetime of service, and ho’omaika’i upon earning the prestigious American Veterans Silver Helmet Award for Congressional Service.”

“One of the major motivations for me to serve Hawai‘i in both the House and the Senate came from my experience witnessing the attack on Pearl Harbor, and wanting to be in a position to build a better future for the people of Hawai‘i, and to ensure the promise our country made to our veterans is upheld and honored. I am humbled to receive the AMVETS Silver Helmet Award for Congressional Service, and I will continue to do my best to honor the service and sacrifices of my brothers and sisters in arms and their families. Mahalo to Congresswoman Gabbard for accepting this award on my behalf,” said Senator Daniel Akaka.

​The 2018 AMVETS Silver Helmet ​A​ward will be presented at our Silver Helmet Awards Banquet on the evening of March 9, 2018 at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, 5000 Seminary Road, Alexandria, Virginia. The banquet is the culmination of our Spring National Executive Committee Meeting and annual Storm the Hill event.

​On behalf our our members, ​CongratulationsSenator Akaka ​on your selection to receive this well-deserved award!

Honoree Gallery

Click here for a list of Notable Honorees | Click here for a full list of Past Honorees

The Silver Helmet was first presented at the AMVETS 10th Anniversary Dinner to World War II hero and diplomat General of the Army George C. Marshall‚ in recognition of his contributions as a soldier‚ statesman and American.

Former President Harry S. Truman receives the 1958 Americanism award.

President Dwight Eisenhower receives the 1959 Peace award.

Vice President Richard Nixon and Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson compare their awards at the 1960 Silver Helmets.

Henry Kissinger receives the 1972 Peace award.

Pope Paul VI at the 1981 Silver Helmets to receive the Peace award.

Eleanor Roosevelt receives the 1962 Peace award.

Colin Powell receives the 1991 Defense award.

President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush receive their Silver Helmet Awards

George W. Bush receives the Gold Helmet award in 2003.

Wayne Newton receives the Americanism award in 2005.

Silver Helmet Honorees of Note:

Patrick Hallinan, 2015 Civil Service

Judge Robert Russell, 2015 Rehabilitation

Gus Bilirakis, 2014 Congressional

Donald Driver, 2013 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Judge Robert P. Milich, 2012 Civil Servant

Edward R. Boyer, 2011 Rehabilitation

Mike White, 2010 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Tammy Duckworth, 2009 Civil Servant

Jerry Reed Hubbard, 2009 Special Award

Shauna Fleming, 2008 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Morrill Worcester, 2008 Americanism

Charlie Daniels, 2007 Americanism

McCormick Tribune Foundation, 2006 Americanism

Wayne Newton, 2005 Americanism

Mary Kay Rena Tarbet, 2004 Special

Cloyd C. Pinson, Sr., 2004 Americanism

George W. Bush, 2003 Gold Helmet Award

Bart Starr, 2003 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Rudolph Giuliani, 2002 Civil Servant

Dolly Parton, 1999 Humanitarian

William S. Cohen, 1999 Defense

Max Cleland, 1999 Rehabilitation

Zachary & Elizabeth M. Fisher, 1997 Aux Humanitarian

Jennifer Wilson, 1996 Americanism

Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1996 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Joe “Jah Paul Jo” Ramsey, 1995 Special

Kimberly Clarice Aiken, 1995 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Irv “Kup” Kupcinet, 1995 Americanism

Marlo Thomas, 1994 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Pete Coors, 1994 Americanism

Silent Crew of the U.S.S. Arizona, 1993 Memorial (Posthumous)

Rosalyn Carter, 1993 Auxiliary Humanitarian

George H.W. Bush, 1992 Gold Helmet Award

Barbara Bush, 1992 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Norman Schwartzkopf, 1992 Defense

Colin Powell, 1991 Defense

Arthur Kaplan, 1991 Americanism

Kevin Dobson, 1990 Americanism

Abigail (Dear Abby) Van Buren, 1990 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Jimmy Crum, 1989 Special

Sam Nunn, 1988 Meritorious Achievement

Lee Greenwood, 1988 Americanism

Jack Klugman, 1987 Auxiliary Humanitarian

The Special Olympics, 1987 Special

Nancy D. Reagan, 1986 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Elizabeth H. Dole, 1986 Civil Servant

Bill Kurtis, 1985 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Lee Iacocca, 1985, Americanism

Dom and Carol DeLuise, 1984 Americanism

John McCain, 1984 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Danny Kaye, 1983 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Frank Sinatra, 1982 Special Award

Bob Dole, 1982 Congressional

Ronald Reagan, 1982 Gold Helmet Award

Alan Cranston, 1981 Congressional

Pope John Paul II, 1981 Peace

Martha Roundtree, 1980 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Rocky Bleier, 1980 Rehabilitation

Hugh O’Brian, 1980 Americanism

Eunice Shriver, 1979 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Robert W. Miller, 1978 Americanism

Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, 1978 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Gerald Ford, 1977 Gold Helmet Award

Ralph Nader, 1977 Special Award

Kathryn “Kate” Smith, 1977 Americanism

Mrs. Spencer Tracy, 1977 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Corrine “Lindy” Boggs, 1976 Auxiliary Humanitarian

Daniel J. “Cappie” James, Jr., 1976 Defense

Gordon Sinclair, 1975 Special

Joe DiMaggio, 1974 Americanism

Johnny Mann, 1973 Americanism

Raymond Burr, 1973 Special

John Wayne, 1972 Americanism

Henry Kissinger, 1972 Peace

Pope Paul VI, 1971 Peace

Danny Thomas, 1971 Special

Richard “Red” Skelton, 1970 Americanism

Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, 1970 Special

Richard Nixon, 1970 Gold Helmet

W. Averell Harriman, 1969 Peace

William C. Westmoreland, 1969 Defense

Lyndon Johnson, 1968 Gold Helmet

Walter Winchell, 1968 Americanism

Martha Raye, 1967 Special

Richard K. Mellon, 1966 Special

Carl Vinson, 1965 Defense

Adlai E. Stevenson, 1965 Peace

John F. Kennedy, 1964 Peace (Postumous)

Carl Sanders, 1964 Americanism

Edmund S. Muskie, 1963 Congressional

Robert S. McNamara, 1963 Defense

Eleanor Roosevelt, 1962 Peace

Hyman G. Rickover, 1962 Defense

J. Edgar Hoover, 1962 Americanism

Astronaut Team of Project Mercury, 1962 Special

Bob Hope, 1961 Special Award

Henry Cabot Lodge, 1961 Peace

Lyndon B. Johnson, 1960 Defense

Richard M. Nixon, 1960 Peace

Dwight Eisenhower, 1959 Peace

Harry Truman, 1958 Americanism

Phil Silvers, 1957 Americanism

John Foster Dulles, 1952 Peace

General George C. Marshall, 1957*

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