Ewa Plain Battlefield Newsletter; Jan 2019 Edition
Ewa Field Battlefield Preservation Plan Progressing…
This Newsletter Vol. 2 focuses on potential tools for preserving the Ewa Field battlefield as a prelude to further discussions of the future battlefield.
Ewa Plain Battlefield Newsletter; Dec 2018 Edition
Ewa Plain Battlefield Website: https://www.ewabattlefield.com/
Louis Berger will prepare the interpretive plan for eventual Ewa Plain Battlefield
AmVets Hawaii and Louis Berger Agreement
Point of Contact:
Bob Nardi, PP
Vice President
Louis Berger
Phone: 973.407.1681
Email: rnardi@louisberger.com
Website: https://www.louisberger.com/
412 Mt. Kemble Avenue / P.O. Box 1946 | Morristown | New Jersey | 07962-1946 | USA
The National Park Service Awarding Officer has approved a grant modification of AmVets Hawaii project’s scope to replace collection and cataloguing of historical documentation with the development of an interpretive plan.
NPS and AmVets Hawaii Grant Agreement, Modification Number 2; 12 DEC 2018
NPS and AmVets Hawaii Grant Agreement P18AP00515, Modification Number 1; 11 OCT 2018
NPS and AmVets Hawaii Grant Agreement; 7 SEP 2018
Point of Contact:
Donovan A. Lazarus
President & CEO
AmVets Hawaii Service Foundation Corp
Phone: 808.382.6835
Email: donovan@amvets-hawaii.org
On 17 August 2018, the National Park Service, American Battlefield Protection Program awarded us, AmVets Hawaii Service Foundation Corp the Ewa Phase 2 Grant:
- Amount of Federal Funds Obligated: $63,000.00
- Amount of Recipient Cost Share: $0.00
- Total Amount of Award: $63,000.00
- Period of Performance: Effective Date to 08/31/2020
Many individuals and organizations have devoted themselves to compiling information that has led to the creation of an historical account of the area once known as Ewa Field and later Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Ewa. As you may know, MCAS, Ewa has a rich and varied history, in large part as a military installation associated with the December 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Hawaii. Recognition of the association of the site with the battle, and the understanding of the background, context and the events before and after December 7, 1941, resulted in the listing of Ewa Plain Battlefield on the National Register of Historic Places in 2016. Although most of the buildings and structures associated with MCAS, Ewa no longer exist, the area holds important historic resources which warrant preservation and protection.
AmVets Hawaii Envisioned Historic Memorial Park Concept – DRAFT
AmVets Hawaii and others, are advancing the planning process by developing a Battlefield Protection Plan for the area comprising the Ewa Plain Battlefield. We are in the early stages of our effort and would welcome an opportunity to meet to gain others insight and advice so that the development of the Battlefield Protection Plan benefits from their input.
The U.S. Navy has long maintained control over approximately 1,055 acres of lands encompassing the military installations which once existed in the present-day Kalaeloa area. Most of these lands have been conveyed or will soon be conveyed by the Navy to public agencies including the Hawaii Community Development Authority, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, the City & County of Honolulu, and to private ownership and has been working to complete the identification of the historic facilities, sites, and landscapes prior to the transfer action in accordance with a 2001 Programmatic Agreement.
Developing a Battlefield Protection Plan that respects the historical significance of the battlefield area while acknowledging the development pressures facing Kalaeloa, requires the input and advice from stakeholders who have devoted themselves to honoring the men and women associated with the December 7, 1941 battle.
Please email your input to our point of contact, AmVets Hawaii Commander, Donovan A. Lazarus at anytime: 808-426-0393 or at donovan@amvets-hawaii.org.
Learn more: Ewa Plain Battlefield File https://www.nps.gov/nr/feature/places/pdfs/16000273.pdf.
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