PRESS RELEASE: Vet HEAL Summit 2020: Help Heal American Veterans
For widest dissemination,
Upcoming Event: AMVETS Vet HEAL Summit: Healthcare, Evaluation, Advocacy, and Legislation
When: 27- 28 March 2020 from 0900 to 1600
Where: University of Hawaii – West Oahu, 91-1001 Farrington Highway, Building C208, Kapolei, Hawaii 96707
Purpose: To provide attendees with up-to-date education on promising innovations and breakthroughs in mental health, gender-based healthcare, the military transition experience, as well as the latest updates on legislation and advocacy that impacts service members and veterans.
Note. This summit is FREE – Reserve your seat now: https://www.vethealsummit.com
Individuals for whom the Event benefits: Active Duty Service Members, Reserve, National Guard, Student Veterans, Women Veterans, family members of Veterans, Caregivers for disabled Veterans, Military leaders, Mental health professionals, and any corporations, foundations, and communities that support the military and veterans.
27 MAR 2020, (Day-1): Women Experience in the Military
28 MAR 2020, (Day-2): Mental Health, TBI, PTS and Suicide Prevention
Guest speakers to include:
– Senator Mike Gabbard, Chair, Hawaii District 20
– Chancellor, Maenette K.P. Ah Nee-Benham, University of Hawaii West Oahu
– Major General Suzanne Vares-Lum, US Indo-Pacific Command
– Colonel Gregory D. Gadson (USA, Retired), Actor & Motivational Speaker
– Dr. David Brown, Clinical Psychologist, AMVETS Advisory Board Member
– Dr. Anthony M. Hassan, Ed.D, LCSW, CEO & President, Cohen Veterans Network, Inc.
– Colonel Ronald P. Han Jr., Director, Office of Veterans’ Services
– Sergio S. Chao, Director, Honolulu VA Regional Office
– Colonel Robert T. Swanson, Jr., PhD (USAF, Retired), AMVETS HEAL Summit Advisory Board Member
– Sherman Gillums Jr. (USMC, Retied), AMVETS National Chief Advocacy Officer
– Cherissa Jackson, RN (USAF, Retired), AMVETS National Chief Medical Executive
Vet HEAL Summit Advisory Board Chairman:
Dr. John Henry Felix (Colonel, USAF, Retired)
Executive Chairman, Hawaii Medical Assurance Association
Executive Producers ($5,000):
1) HMAA – Hawaii Medical Assurance Association
Website: https://www.hmaa.com
2) CVN – Cohen Veterans Network, Inc.
Website: https://www.cohenveteransnetwork.org
Producer Sponsors ($2,500):
1) Harosky Homes
Website: https://www.oahuareahomes.com
Leave No One Behind!
The HEAL Mission:
To ensure veterans with medical needs receive the help they have earned to access the best quality healthcare, including mental health and specialized services (traumatic brain injury, polytrauma, post-traumatic stress) and live longer, healthier lives. These services are free. You served and now it is our turn to serve you.