We would like to share that we plan to move forward with the 2020 HEAL Summit amidst the concerns about the coronavirus. Please see below the steps the University of Hawai`i West Oahu Campus is taking related to the best precautions being recommended by the CDC. While we are aware that a few selected speaker are from off-island, most all of our attendees are local and pose a very low safety risk. We are posting the message below on our website and will work with speakers/attendees as needed if any cancellations occur. We are also exploring the possibility of having one or two speakers presenting remotely via VTC, if needed. We will remain vigilant regarding what the public health experts advise and will notify you if any changes need to be made. As of 3/6/2020 there are no confirmed cases in Hawai`i.
AMVETS staff remain in close communication with the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019- ncov/index.html) to closely monitor updates regarding travel and recommended precautions to take.
The University of Hawai`i West Oahu Campus has placed additional hand sanitizer stations throughout the building for our attendees to use. They have also increased the cleaning and sanitizing of all common areas of the building. Including areas such as elevator cabs, elevator buttons, handrails on our escalators, additional bacterial wipes at all podiums in meeting rooms along with additional hand sanitizers
We are asking all our staff members, presenters, and attendees to please follow the recommendations that have been put out by the CDC to help prevent the spread of this illness:
>> Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
>> Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
>> Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
>> Stay home when you are sick.
>> Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
>> Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
We will remain diligent in our commitment to provide a safe, hospitable environment for all attendees. Any updates can be found on the AMVETS website, or you may directly contact Danielle Nuszkowski, daniell@amvets-hawaii.org.
AMVETS Department of Hawaii