ALCON: For widest dissemination,
Ewa Battlefield February 2020 Report (Draft)
In Accordance With (IAW), The National Park Service (NPS) Battlefield Preservation Planning Grant with AMVETS Hawaii Service Foundation Corp. to fund research and catalog historic maps and air and site photos of the World War II Ewa Plain Battlefield. And with NPS approval, Agreement between AMVETS Hawaii Service Foundation Corp. and Louis Berger U.S., Inc. (Subconsultant), will use NPS funds to develop an Interpretative Plan for the Ewa Field Battlefield (Dated: 18 Dec 2018). Link: https://amvets-hawaii.org/wp-cont…/uploads/…/09/1278_001.pdf
#AmericanVeterans #WorldWar2 #AMVETS #AmVetsHawaii #EwaBattlefield #HawaiiMilitary
#HawaiiVeterans #MCASEwa #NASBP #BarbersPoint #EwaField #Kalaeloa #Kapolei #WestOahu