Sequence of Events

Battle of Midway 76th Commemoration Ceremony Script

Order of Events:
0850 – 0900: Prelude Music, concluding by 11:25 (USMC Band)
0900 – 0902: Welcome – The theme for this year’s ceremony is “Honor The Service” (Donna
Gishitomi, MC)
0902 – 0910: National Anthem & Hawaii Poohi (Mililani HS Choir, sings after MC intro)
0910 – 0913: Invocation (Chaplain, LCDR Philip Ridley after MC intro)
0913 – 0918: Introduction of Speaker (Valerie Van der Veer, after Invocation without intro)
0918 – 0925: Speaker – Senator Mike Gabbard, District 20 (after MC intro)
0925 – 0935: Speaker – COL Gregory Gadson (U.S. Army, Ret.), former US Army Wounded
Warrior Director, Garrison Commander of the U.S. Army Fort Belvoir. He is also a
bilateral above-the-knee amputee, actor, and motivational speaker.
0935 – 0945: Speaker – Daniel Martinez, Chief Historian for the WWII Valor in the Pacific National Monument
0945 – 0955: Speaker – Benjamin Resnick is a historical archaeologist and a senior director/assistant vice president with GAI Consultants, Inc.
0955 – 1015: Music – Armed Forces Medley Salute (USMC Band without signal after speaker, Band Director cues services to rise)
1015 – 1020: Music – Battle Hymn of the Republic and God Bless America (USMC after band, and manage timing before, during, and/or after flyover)
1020 – 1025: Flyover (Flight Team) (1020 is Requested Arrival Time)
1025 – 1030: Battle of Midway Commemoration Essay: “What Battle of Midway Means to Me” (MC)
1030 – 1035: Remembering Battle of Midway Casualties (Donna Gishitomi, MC)
1035 – 1040: Placing the Wreaths (after MC intro)
– AmVets Hawaii
– National Park Service
– Others
1040 – 1045: Music – America the Beautiful (USMC Band after MC intro)
1045 – 1050: Battle of Midway Tribute – Playing of Taps (USMC Band, after MC intro)
(There will be no Rifle Salute due to the horses at the event)
1050 – 1053: Benediction (Chaplain, LCDR Philip Ridley after MC intro)
1053 – 1057: God Bless The U.S.A. (Mililani HS Choir, sings without signal after Benediction)
1057 – 1059: Retirement of the Colors (USMC Color Guard, after MC order)
1059 – 1100: Concluding Remarks (MC)
1100 – 1115: The USMC Band plays closing music without signal, and while the guests disperse.
End of Program

Mailing Address:

PO Box 2865
Ewa Beach, Hawaii (USA) 96706
Main Office: 808-382-6835

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AMVETS Hawaii is a 501(c)(3), is a public, non-profit, Veterans Service Organization (VSO).


Over 95% of all donations received will directly fund our ROTC/JROTC Medals and Awards program, Hawaii Public Schools Essay Contests, the preservations of Ewa Battlefield, and other Memorials and Hawaii Historic sites.  And will also help fund our annual commemoration ceremonies: Ewa Battlefield Pearl Harbor Commemoration, Battle of Midway Commemoration, Veteran’s Day Commemoration ceremony, and other events.

And most of all, your support will support our program initiatives to benefit our Veterans, transitioning Service members, and their families with needed assistance and advocacy.


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