ALCON: For widest dissemination, AMVETS COVID-19 Update Link: Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of each other, Hooah! Leave No One Behind! Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255, Veterans press Continue Reading →

Ewa Battlefield February 2020 Report

ALCON: For widest dissemination,Ewa Battlefield February 2020 Report (Draft) In Accordance With (IAW), The National Park Service (NPS) Battlefield Preservation Planning Grant with AMVETS Hawaii Service Foundation Corp. to fund Continue Reading →

AMVETS HEAL Summit Safety Letter

We would like to share that we plan to move forward with the 2020 HEAL Summit amidst the concerns about the coronavirus. Please see below the steps the University of Continue Reading →

Press Release for Vet HEAL Summit 2020: Help Heal American Veterans

PRESS RELEASE: Vet HEAL Summit 2020: Help Heal American Veterans For widest dissemination, Upcoming Event: AMVETS Vet HEAL Summit: Healthcare, Evaluation, Advocacy, and Legislation  When: 27- 28 March 2020 from Continue Reading →

HEAL Summit

Healthcare, Evaluation, Advocacy, and Legislation (HEAL) Summit for Our Nation’s Defenders When: Day 1: Friday, 27 March 2020, from 0900 to 1600 Day 2: Saturday 28 March 2020, from 0900 Continue Reading →