AMVETS Silver Helmet Awards 2020

American Veterans – AMVETS Department of Hawaii is proud to announce we hereby nominate Dr. John Henry Felix is our 2020 nominee for the AMVETS Silver Helmet Civil Servant of Continue Reading →
American Veterans Hawaii, AMVETS Hawaii, AMVETS Department of Hawaii, AMVETS, AMVETS Hawaii Service Foundation Corp, Hawaii Post 1, Hawaii Post 2, Hawaii Post 3, Hawaii Post 4, Hawaii Post 5, USS Arizona Post, Ewa Battlefield Post, Barbers Point Post, Pearl Harbor Post, American Veterans Post 5 Oahu, AMVETS Hawaii Ladies Auxiliary, Hawaii Veterans Service Organization, American Veterans of World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War, Hawaii Military, Hawaii Veterans
American Veterans – AMVETS Department of Hawaii is proud to announce we hereby nominate Dr. John Henry Felix is our 2020 nominee for the AMVETS Silver Helmet Civil Servant of Continue Reading →
ALCON: For widest dissemination,Ewa Battlefield February 2020 Report (Draft) In Accordance With (IAW), The National Park Service (NPS) Battlefield Preservation Planning Grant with AMVETS Hawaii Service Foundation Corp. to fund Continue Reading →
Healthcare, Evaluation, Advocacy, and Legislation (HEAL) Summit for Our Nation’s Defenders When: Day 1: Friday, 27 March 2020, from 0900 to 1600 Day 2: Saturday 28 March 2020, from 0900 Continue Reading →
Final Report: Scope of Work for Archaeological Inventory Surveys for Ewa Field, Oahu, Hawaii ALCON:For widest dissemination,The Scope of Work developed as a roadmap to guide future archaeological investigations for Continue Reading →
AMVETS Hawaii mission is to provide advocacy, support and assistance for all who served honorably in the United States Armed Forces: past, present and future veterans and their families; To Continue Reading →
Ewa Plain Battlefield Newsletter; Dec 2018 Edition Ewa Plain Battlefield Website: Louis Berger will prepare the interpretive plan for eventual Ewa Plain Battlefield AmVets Hawaii and Louis Berger Agreement Continue Reading →
Team Hawaii wishes you all a Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas) and Hau’oli Makahiki Hou Hou Hou (Happy New Year)! Thank you for sharing a great year with us! Mahalo nui! Continue Reading →
ALCON: Regrettably, our Annual Ewa Battlefield Commemoration scheduled 0930 on Saturday, 8 December 2018, was cancelled today, 5 December 2018. Has directed by Ms. Elizabeth Larson, Real Estate Specialist, Navy Continue Reading →
Events: 29 Nov to 7 Dec 2018 Just a reminder, What: Royal Hawaiian Band Performance When: Thursday, 29 Nov 2018, from 0845-0945 Hours Where: Pearl Harbor Visitor Center Lanai, 1 Continue Reading →
AMVETS National Commander selected the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center Shoreside Dock as his Signature Project On Saturday, November 17, 2018, AMVETS Hawaii Department Commander, Donovan A. Lazarus, 5 Post Commanders Continue Reading →