Memorial Day Weekend 2019

Commander’s Message Aloha Fellow Patriots, Memorial Day Weekend is a time of remembrance for Servicemembers past and present who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our Nation. It is Continue Reading →

Ewa Battlefield Preservation Update – August 2019

Louis Berger Summary of Activities and Accomplishments – Interpretive Plan Development TASK 1: DEVELOP INTERPRETIVE PLAN FOR EWA FIELD BATTLEFIELD AREA – Preparing first draft report for battlefield interpretive plan Continue Reading →

AMVETS Hawaii Ladies Auxiliary Post 3 Installed

Mahalo to AMVETS National Ladies Auxiliary President, Barbra Valley for installing our very first AMVETS Hawaii Ladies Auxiliary. Our Barbers Point Post, 808USA50 newly sworn in President, Lieutenant Commander Latisha Robinson (USN, Retired) and Officers.

On behalf of our AMVETS Ohana, Commander Donovan A. Lazarus, AMVETS Department of Hawaii expressed heartfelt appreciation and congratulates President Latisha Robinson and her newly sworn in Officers and Executive Board members for answering the call to serve our veterans and their families.

For more information, please email Latisha Robinson, President, AMVETS Hawaii Ladies Auxiliary (Post 3), Barbers Point Post 808USA50 at

AmVets Department of Hawaii 2019 Update

AMVETS Hawaii mission is to provide advocacy, support and assistance for all who served honorably in the United States Armed Forces: past, present and future veterans and their families; To Continue Reading →

Ewa Plain Battlefield Project Update; 23 DEC 2018

Ewa Plain Battlefield Newsletter; Dec 2018 Edition Ewa Plain Battlefield Website: Louis Berger will prepare the interpretive plan for eventual Ewa Plain Battlefield AmVets Hawaii and Louis Berger Agreement Continue Reading →