Nine World War II veterans clubs, met in Kansas City, Mo., and founded The American Veterans of World War II on Dec. 10, 1944. Less than three years later, on July 23, 1947, President Harry S. Truman signed Public Law 216, making AMVETS the first World War II organization to be chartered by Congress. Since then, the original charter has been amended several times to admit as members those who served in different eras. On 16 October 2002 the 107th Congress enacted Public Law 107-241 (H.R. 3214), an Act to amend the Charter of the AMVETS organization to “AMVETS (American Veterans)”. Today, membership in AMVETS is open to anyone who is currently serving, or who has honorably served, in the U.S. Armed Forces from World War II to the present, to include the National Guard and Reserves.
- Only the AMVETS Hawaii Service Foundation is a 501(c)3, non-profit
- American Veterans (AMVETS) Hawaii Posts and the Department are 501(c)(19), non-profit, all-volunteer Veterans’ Service Organization.
- Our members are Veterans and Active Duty Servicemembers serving in the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marines, U.S. Air Force, Coast Guard, Hawaii National Guard and Reserve.
TAX GUIDE FOR Veterans’ Organizations
AMVETS Department of Hawaii (EIN: 83-2518892) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
AMVETS Hawaii Service Foundation (EIN: 83-0550908) is a 501(c)3 non-profit
AMVETS HI-0001, USS Arizona Post (EIN: 45-3643811) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
AMVETS HI-0002, Ewa Battlefield Post (EIN: 82-1938740) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
AMVETS HI-0003, 808USA50 Post (EIN: 82-5526330) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
AMVETS HI-0004, Pearl Harbor Post (EIN: 82-5513861) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
AMVETS HI-0005, Ewa Beach Post (EIN: 83-2332933) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2865
Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706
Main Office: 808-382-6835
What is AMVETS?
AMVETS (American Veterans) is the nation’s most inclusive Congressionally-chartered veterans service organization, representing the interests of 20 million veterans. AMVETS is open to and fighting for all who honorably served in the United States military, including the Reserve and Guard. With more than 300,00 members nationwide, we are veterans serving veterans.
AMVETS stands as a strong and influential advocate for America’s veterans on important issues such as employment and training, mandatory funding for government-provided health care and other benefits to which they are entitled. AMVETS is a 501(c)19 organization; congressionally chartered in 1947.
What sets AMVETS apart from other VSOs?
Unlike other organizations, membership in AMVETS is open to anyone who is currently serving, or has honorably served, in the United States Armed Forces from World War II to present, to include those in the National Guard and Reserves.
How many veterans are members of AMVETS?
Approximately 300,000. The organization also boasts of 41 state departments and some 1,400 posts nationally.
When was AMVETS formed?
In December 1944. At that time, it was known as the American Veterans of World War II. President Truman signed the organization’s congressional charter in 1947. Since then, the charter has been amended several times to broaden membership eligibility and to change the AMVETS name to simply American Veterans to reflect this universality.
Where is AMVETS located?
AMVETS National Headquarters is based in Lanham, Maryland.
What is AMVETS’ mission?
AMVETS is dedicated to supporting veterans and active military, providing community services and preserving freedom.
What kinds of services does AMVETS provide?
AMVETS national service officers, accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), provide free claims assistance to veterans, their dependents and survivors. AMVETS members also donate countless hours to brighten the lives of hospitalized veterans and promote quality-of-life programs such as the Special Olympics or Scouting.
Does AMVETS provide financial support to initiatives outside the organization?
Yes. Over the years, the organization has helped to fund the construction and/or the renovation of such national monuments as the USS Arizona Memorial and the Statue of Liberty.
Does AMVETS offer educational scholarships?
Yes. Each year AMVETS awards scholarships totaling $40,000 to high school seniors, ROTC students and veterans pursuing higher education.
What issues are important to AMVETS?
Of particular interest are issues related to veterans health care and other entitlements, POW/MIA accountability, national defense and flag protection.
Where does AMVETS stand on mandatory funding for VA?
Unlike other federal programs such as Medicare and food stamps, VA must annually request an appropriation. As a result, funding shortfalls over the years have left veterans to wonder whether the promises made to them under Title 38 of the U.S. Code would be kept. AMVETS wants to eliminate that uncertainty and make funding of veterans health care mandatory. With our co-authors of The Independent Budget, we’re also working to protect each veteran’s benefits in other areas as well.
What is AMVETS Hawaii’s Mission?
- Suicide Prevention and Awareness Program (VA, Cohen Veterans Network and Resurrecting Lives Foundation)
- Adaptive Sports Program (Big Tire Bootcamp and Veterans Administration Pacific Islands Health Care System)
- Warriors ‘Ohana Gardens Program (Landnam Warrior)
- BioModulator Therapy Program (Senergy and Dr. Terry Shintani, MD, JD, MPH, KCSJ)
- Elderly Veterans Care Program (AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary)
- Employment Assistance Program (Job Search and Resume Building)
- ROTC/JROTC Program (Medals with Certificate Awards)
- Scouting Program (Boys Scouts of America)
- Softball Program (Island Athletes)
- Basketball Program (Basketball Hawaii Youth Academy)
- Community Service Program: American Samoan Weekly Church Services, Harosky Homes’ Bi-Weekly VA Seminars, VA Monthly Art Group Therapy Workshops, Hispanic Events Hawaii’ Annual Hispanic Festival and U.S.Vets’ Monthly Meetings, Miss Hawaii American Scholar Organization and B.R.A.V.E. Hawaii’s Workshops
- Memorials and Commemorative Program: Preservations of the USS ARIZONA Memorial Marble Shrine Wall, National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific’s Carillon Memorial, Naval Air Station Barbers Point Memorial, Dr. John Henry Felix Monument, Ewa Battlefield, Ewa Battlefield Pearl Harbor Annual Commemoration Ceremony, West Loch Disaster Annual Commemoration Ceremony, Battle of Midway Annual Commemoration, Memorial Day Annual Commemoration Ceremony, Veteran’s Day Annual Celebration, Annual Suicide Preventative Awareness Summits and Run/Walk to Combat Suicides, and other contest and events.
Your generous donations will help to support our AMVETS Hawaii’s program initiatives to benefit our Veterans, transitioning Service members, and their families with needed support and assistance.
Our Purpose
- To inspire a sense of responsibility in AMVETS members and develop leadership to preserve the American democratic way of life.
- To help unify diverse groups in support of American democracy.
- To train our youth to become engaged citizens, fully aware of the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.
- To collaborate with all recognized veterans organizations to advance the interests of veterans who have served or are serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during and since World War II.
- To ensure the smooth transition of veterans into civilian life by protecting their rights while they are still in uniform.
- To expedite and assist in the rehabilitation of veterans by providing employment services, educational opportunities, and counsel on insurance, housing, recreation, personal matters, hospitalization, and veterans’ benefits.
- To act as a liaison between veterans and the government.
- To foster fellowship among all American veterans who have served or are serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during and since World War II.
- To remind the public that American veterans fought and served to preserve peace, liberty, and democracy for the nation.
- To inform, influence, and inspire others to serve in both military and civilian communities.
- To provide financial support and assistance to service members, veterans, and their families.
- To support the preservation of historic sites, such as Ewa Battlefield, through financial assistance.
- To help build and preserve memorials and monuments across Hawaii.
- To honor and remember not only our World War II veterans who died at Pearl Harbor and Ewa Field, but also those who sacrificed their lives in sea battles and distant coral atolls—Coral Sea, Midway, Wake—whose names often go unrecognized, along with those who died in all other conflicts.
Honoring the Past, Inspiring the Future
– Preserve and Honor: Remembering the legacy of those who came before us. – Educate and Inspire: Passing on this legacy to future generations.
It is our duty and solemn vow to never forget those who fought and died—from the birth of our nation to the brave men of the USS Arizona, and to our fallen comrades today. May they rest in peace, knowing they will never be forgotten.
President Lincoln once said that speeches and statues are not enough to repay the service of those who defend their country. A single day of remembrance cannot fully honor the sacrifices made by these veterans. We are able to choose freedom today because of the bravery of those men and women, whose fate, on those days, was chosen for them.
AMVETS Mission
To enhance and safeguard the entitlements for all American Veterans who have served honorably and to improve the quality of life for them, their families, and the communities where they live through leadership, advocacy and service.
Help us Help others!
Click the “donate” button below to make a donation, today.
American Veterans “AmVets” Hawaii is a 501(c)(19) non-profit, All-volunteer Veterans Service Organization (VSO). 95% of all donations received will directly fund our ROTC/JROTC Medals and Awards program, Hawaii Public Schools Essay Contests, the preservations of Ewa Battlefield, and other Memorials and Hawaii Historic sites. Your support will also help fund our annual Ewa Battlefield Pearl Harbor Commemoration, Veteran’s Day ceremony, and other events. And most of all, your support will support program initiatives to benefit our Veterans, transitioning Servicemembers, and their families with needed assistance and advocacy.
AMVETS Charities, Inc. participates in the Combined Federal Campaign through the Military, Veterans and Patriotic Services Organizations of America federation. Our Combined Federal number is of the 50,000 charities that participate in the CFC, only about 1500 – the members of Independent Charities of America and Local Independent Charities of America – will have the opportunity to display the “Best In America” seal of approval. AMVETS Charities, Inc. is proud to be one of those chosen few. This seal of approval is a service mark of Independent Charities of America and is used under license. AMVETS NSF is responsible for the content of any materials in which the Service Mark is used.