God Bless The USA
Continue your service to America!
Login and renew your membership for the 2021 membership year. We are in the mix working for you. Your membership helps us help veterans and communities in need.
Renew Your Membership Today. It is Easy!
Click here to go to our membership login page
Your login name is your email address: cat@gmail.com
Your temporary password is your member number: 2759935451
After renewing print your card in my shopping cart.
Need assistance?
Call: 877-726-8387 or email: membersupport@amvets.org
AMVETS continues to work tirelessly for you every day!
Connect with your local Post
Our Mission
As the nationwide leader and champion for American veterans, AMVETS facilitates access to the resources veterans need to live healthy lives, obtain full and timely benefits, achieve economic self-sufficiency, and enjoy good quality of life after serving in uniform.
Annual membership dues: $30.
Life membership:
– Individuals aged 55 and below: $500
– Individuals aged 56 to 65: $400
– Individuals aged 66 and over: $300
These dues are nonrefundable and should be paid directly to the post. Of the total amount, 50 percent will be forwarded to National Headquarters, and 25 percent will go to the state department.
Please Click Here and Become a Member!
Leave No Man Behind, Hooah!
Stay Updated… Join Our Rolling To Remember Group, Now!
Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rollingtoremember/
Looking to sign up to volunteer? bit.ly/R2Rvolunteer
Pre-register (always free)? bit.ly/R2Rregister
Official website: www.RollingToRemember.com
Click the “donate” button below to make a donation, today.
Click Here For Membership Application Form
Email application to: admin@amvets-hawaii.org
AMVETS Member Benefits
Why Join AMVETS?
AMVETS is a veterans service organization devoted not only fellowship, but also service to the community and other veterans. Joining with fellow AMVETS in planning and participating in post activities, members provide significant contributions to all areas of our veterans’ community. Members have joined our organization not only for the pleasures they may have derived during the years, but also for the contributions they can provide to the well being of AMVETS by working cooperatively with fellow members.
To be eligible for membership in AMVETS, you must have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves, anytime after Sept. 15, 1940. Additionally, unless still serving, your discharge must have been under honorable conditions. If you served as an American citizen in the armed forces of an allied nation, under honorable conditions, between Sept. 15, 1940 and May 8, 1975, you are also eligible, as are wartime members of the Merchant Marine. Proof of eligibility can take the form of a DD-214, an honorable discharge certificate or other appropriate document.
AMVETS Membership Dues: annual dues is $30.00 and Life member dues is $250. These dues fund, in part, the programs, services and representation AMVETS provides.
You will be counted in our numbers and help our efforts to protect veterans’ rights in Washington, D.C. AMVETS National Headquarters will share our initiatives and purpose through quarterly issues of the
American Veteran Magazine and e-mails. As a Member at Large you cannot vote in AMVETS elections however your membership is important to our efforts. At some point in your membership you may want to create or join a post. Posts are active throughout communities in America upholding the honor of veterans service and continuing to serve veterans and their communities.
PLEASE NOTE: When joining online, please note the membership verbiage in the Membership Manual. If you join anytime before Sept. 1 of the current year, your membership is good for the current year only. If you join on or after Sept. 1, your membership is good for the next year.
Disclaimer: AMVETS does not share with third parties the personal or financial information of AMVETS members or members of the public.
Commander’s Letter:
For more than 80 years, we in AMVETS have taken to heart the credo of service set forth by our organization’s founding fathers. In so doing, we endeavor to provide our fellow veterans with the type of support they truly deserve. This outreach effort takes many forms, from the professional advice our service officers offer on earned veterans benefits to our legislative efforts on Capitol Hill to the work done by our hospital volunteers.
Other AMVETS members involve themselves in a range of initiatives aimed at contributing to the quality of life in their local communities.
These two areas, veterans service and community service, drive the commitment we have to make a difference in the lives of others. The pages of this website provide more detailed information on each area, as well as a wealth of information for veterans, their families and other interested citizens. Please take a few minutes to review what makes AMVETS the distinctive organization it is. Our aim of building for a better America is an undertaking to which all can contribute.
I invite you to join us, today.
– DONOVAN A. LAZARUS, AMVETS Hawaii State Commander
Join us now!
Nine World War II veterans clubs, met in Kansas City, Mo., and founded The American Veterans of World War II on Dec. 10, 1944. Less than three years later, on July 23, 1947, President Harry S. Truman signed Public Law 216, making AMVETS the first World War II organization to be chartered by Congress. Since then, the original charter has been amended several times to admit as members those who served in different eras. On 16 October 2002 the 107th Congress enacted Public Law 107-241 (H.R. 3214), an Act to amend the Charter of the AMVETS organization to “AMVETS (American Veterans)”. Today, membership in AMVETS is open to anyone who is currently serving, or who has honorably served, in the U.S. Armed Forces from World War II to the present, to include the National Guard and Reserves.
- AMVETS Hawaii Service Foundation is a 501(c)3, non-profit
- American Veterans (AMVETS) Hawaii Posts and the Department are 501(c)(19), non-profit, all-volunteer Veterans’ Service Organization.
- Our members are Veterans and Active Duty Servicemembers serving in the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marines, U.S. Air Force, Coast Guard, Hawaii National Guard and Reserve.
AMVETS Department of Hawaii (Please Click Here and Become a Member!) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
AMVETS Hawaii Service Foundation (EIN: 83-0550908) is a 501(c)3 non-profit
AMVETS HI-0001, USS Arizona Post (EIN: 45-3643811) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
AMVETS HI-0002, Ewa Battlefield Post (EIN: 82-1938740) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
AMVETS HI-0003, 808USA50 Post (EIN: 82-5526330) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
AMVETS HI-0004, Pearl Harbor Post (EIN: 82-5513861) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
AMVETS HI-0005, Ewa Beach Post (EIN: 83-2332933) is a 501(c)19 non-profit
IRS Tax Guide for Veterans’ Organizations
Mailing Address:
PO Box 2865
Ewa Beach, Hawaii (USA) 96706
Main Office: 808-382-6835
E-mail: admin@amvets-hawaii.org
Help us Help others!
Click the “donate” button below to make a donation, today.
- Suicide Prevention and Awareness Program (VA, Cohen Veterans Network and Resurrecting Lives Foundation)
- Adaptive Sports Program (Big Tire Bootcamp and Veterans Administration Pacific Islands Health Care System)
- Warriors ‘Ohana Gardens Program (Landnam Warrior)
- BioModulator Therapy Program (Senergy and Dr. Terry Shintani, MD, JD, MPH, KCSJ)
- Elderly Veterans Care Program (AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary)
- ROTC/JROTC Program (Medals with Certificate Awards)
- Scouting Program (Boys Scouts of America)
- Softball Program (Island Athletes)
- Basketball Program (Basketball Hawaii Youth Academy)
- Community Service Program: American Samoan Weekly Church Services, Harosky Homes’ Bi-Weekly VA Seminars, VA Monthly Art Group Therapy Workshops, Hispanic Events Hawaii’ Annual Hispanic Festival and U.S.Vets’ Monthly Meetings, Miss Hawaii American Scholar Organization and B.R.A.V.E. Hawaii’s Workshops
- Memorials and Commemorative Program: Preservations of the USS ARIZONA Memorial Marble Shrine Wall, National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific’s Carillon Memorial, Naval Air Station Barbers Point Memorial, Dr. John Henry Felix Monument, Ewa Battlefield, Ewa Battlefield Pearl Harbor Annual Commemoration Ceremony, West Loch Disaster Annual Commemoration Ceremony, Battle of Midway Annual Commemoration, Memorial Day Annual Commemoration Ceremony, Veteran’s Day Annual Celebration, Annual Suicide Preventative Awareness Summits and Run/Walk to Combat Suicides, and other contest and events.
And most of all, your support will support our program initiatives to benefit our Veterans, transitioning Service members, and their families with needed assistance and advocacy.
AMVETS Charities, Inc. participates in the Combined Federal Campaign through the Military, Veterans and Patriotic Services Organizations of America federation. Our Combined Federal number is of the 50,000 charities that participate in the CFC, only about 1500 – the members of Independent Charities of America and Local Independent Charities of America – will have the opportunity to display the “Best In America” seal of approval. AMVETS Charities, Inc. is proud to be one of those chosen few. This seal of approval is a service mark of Independent Charities of America and is used under license. AMVETS NSF is responsible for the content of any materials in which the Service Mark is used.
Donations can be made via mail.
Make checks payable to AMVETS:
Mailing Address:
PO Box 2865
Ewa Beach, Hawaii (USA) 96706
Main Office: 808-382-6835
E-mail: admin@amvets-hawaii.org
Mahalo nui loa!
- Legislative Action Center
- Legislative Agenda
- AMVETS National Constitution & ByLaws
- Original 1947 Congressional
- Preamble to AMVETS Constitution
- AMVETS Officers Manual
- AMVETS Member Benefits
- AMVETS National Quartermaster
- Scholarships
- ROTC/JROTC Press Release
- Uncle Sam Wants You Poster