AMVETS HAWAII Service Foundation Corp EIN:83-0550908 is a 501(c)3 public, non-profit, Veterans Service Organization (VSO).
Over 90% of all donations received will directly fund our programs.
- Suicide Prevention and Awareness Program (VA, Cohen Veterans Network and Resurrecting Lives Foundation)
- Adaptive Sports Program (Big Tire Bootcamp and Veterans Administration Pacific Islands Health Care System)
- Warriors ‘Ohana Gardens Program (Landnam Warrior)
- BioModulator Therapy Program (Senergy and Dr. Terry Shintani, MD, JD, MPH, KCSJ)
- Elderly Veterans Care Program (AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary)
- Employment Assistance Program (Job Search and Resume Building)
- Financial Education and Home Buying Program (Harosky’s Homes)
- Auto Internship and Transportation Service Program (Baba Rentals LLC)
- ROTC/JROTC Program (Medals with Certificate Awards)
- Scouting Program (Boys Scouts of America)
- Softball Program (Island Athletes)
- Basketball Program (Basketball Hawaii Youth Academy)
- Community Service Program: American Samoan Weekly Church Services, Harosky Homes’ Bi-Weekly VA Seminars, VA Monthly Art Group Therapy Workshops, Hispanic Events Hawaii’ Annual Hispanic Festival and U.S.Vets’ Monthly Meetings, Miss Hawaii American Scholar Organization and B.R.A.V.E. Hawaii’s Workshops
- Memorials and Commemorative Program: Preservations of the USS ARIZONA Memorial Marble Shrine Wall, National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific’s Carillon Memorial, Naval Air Station Barbers Point Memorial, Dr. John Henry Felix Monument, Ewa Battlefield, Ewa Battlefield Pearl Harbor Annual Commemoration Ceremony, West Loch Disaster Annual Commemoration Ceremony, Battle of Midway Annual Commemoration, Memorial Day Annual Commemoration Ceremony, Veteran’s Day Annual Celebration, Annual Suicide Preventative Awareness Summits and Run/Walk to Combat Suicides, and other contest and events.
AMVETS good works in Hawaii includes…
AMVETS West Oahu Veterans Center
AMVETS Hawaii opened our West Oahu Veterans Center to provide a gathering place for our members and other Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs), to conduct workshops, training, post meetings and other activities for Veterans, Service members and their families. On August 15, 2020, AMVETS Hawaii received the real-estate agreement of the US Navy facility to accept it on an “As Is” basis. AMVETS Hawaii renovated building 612 and 612A (3030 sq. ft.), to include a tennis court, and two softball fields to be dedicated to serving Veterans and VSOs.
Maui Disaster Relief
AMVETS Hawaii and friends conducted donation drives, received, boxed, palletized and shipped over one millions pounds of donated items to those affected by the devastating wildfires in Maui.
Biomodulator Program
Hawaii lead a program called ‘The General Hank Stackpole Legacy Project for the Alleviation of Chronic Pain’. It is based on the BioModulator technology and has been utilized for military patients in Hawaii for or over 10 years. The program serves active duty men and women as well as Veterans in alleviating chronic pain issues and helps them to reclaim their lives.
AMVETS Hawaii is the proud “Keepers of the Naval Air Station Barbers Point Memorial”
AMVETS Hawaii completed the building of the NAS Barbers Point Memorial in May 2021 after establishing a committee under the leadership of Colonel Jason Seal, (USMC, Ret.), on the grounds of the Kalaeloa Airport. The purpose of the memorial is to honor our Veterans of World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War, Gulf War, and all who were stationed at the Naval Air Station from 1942 to 1999. AMVETS Hawaii – Hawaii Department of Transportation MOU.
The AMVETS Memorial Carillon Bell System at Punchbowl is maintained by AMVETS Service Foundation, IAW, AMVETS-Cemetery MOA. AMVETS decided that a “living” memorial, a carillon whose bells, symbolic of Thomas Jefferson’s historic words, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty,” tolling as a constant reminder that the sacrifices made by those who died were not in vain, but also serves to remind us of our legacy and of our debt to those who fought to preserve freedom throughout the world.
U.S. Department of the Interior, National Pork Service (NPS) Ewa Field Grant – $63,000
In September 2018, NPS entered into a Grant Agreement with AMVETS Hawaii Service Foundation Corporation pursuant to the Battlefield Preservation Assistance provisions of the American Battlefield protection program with the NPS to identify, evaluate, interpret, and protect historic battlefields and sites associated with wars on American soil.
AMVETS is the proud “Keepers of the USS Arizona Memorial Marble Shrine Wall”
AMVETS built the first Memorial Wall and replaced the Wall 3-times; most recently, AMVETS raised the $350,000 dollars needed and rededicated the Memorial Wall on Veterans Day, 11 NOV 2014, IAW, AMVETS – National Park Service MOA
Pearl Harbor Visitor Center Shoreside Dock Restoration Project
AMVETS Past National Commander, Regi Riley (2018-2019) selected the Shoreside dock to be his Signature Project, raising over $65,000 dollars in August 2019.
- Legislative Action Center
- Legislative Agenda
- AMVETS National Constitution & ByLaws
- Original 1947 Congressional
- Preamble to AMVETS Constitution
- AMVETS Officers Manual
- AMVETS Member Benefits
- AMVETS National Quartermaster
- Scholarships
- ROTC/JROTC Press Release
- Uncle Sam Wants You Poster
- Program Reporting Guide
- Program Category Definitions
- Program Calendar
- Americanism Program
- Freedoms Foundation
- Bone Marrow Foundation
- Girl Scouts USA
- Special Olympics
- Habitat for Humanity
- National Center for Missing Exploited Children
- AMVETS Against Drug and Alcohol Abuse (AADAA)
- AMVETS White Clover
- Armed Services Blood Program (ASBP)
- Boy Scouts of America
- Freedoms Foundation Youth Leadership Conference
- Military Funeral Honors
- Veterans Affairs Voluntary Services (VAVS)
- National Transplant Society
- American Red Cross
What are IRC 501(c)(19) purposes? IRC 501(c)(19) purposes are broad, but not unlimited. Appropriate purposes are:
Promoting the social welfare of the community,
Assisting needy and disabled veterans, widows, or orphans of deceased veterans,
Providing entertainment, care and assistance to hospitalized Veterans or members of the Armed Forces of the United States,
Perpetuating the memory of Veterans and comforting their survivors,
Conducting programs for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes,
Sponsoring or participating in patriotic activities,
Providing insurance benefits to members or members dependents, and
Providing social and recreational activities for members
AmVets ROTC Medals and Certificates
Background: At the national level, AMVETS maintains the ROTC/JROTC Awards Program for implementation at the local level by AMVETS Hawaii. AMVETS ROTC and JROTC medals and certificates authorized by Army and Air Force regulations can be ordered from the National Quartermaster. While the Navy and Marine Corps ROTC units do not have such regulations, they can and do participate in the awards programs of the many Veterans organizations, professional military associations, and Military Orders. The AMVETS award consists of a medal pendant and ribbon bar, with accompanying certificate.
Here in Hawaii, there are: 3 ROTC Detachments at the University of Hawaii; 26 JROTC programs at the High School level across Hawaii, and; 6 Cadet Squadrons of the Civil Air Patrol across Hawaii. All of these units conduct their annual awards ceremonies in April and May to recognize and honor the outstanding cadets and midshipmen with medals, ribbons, and other awards. The cadets and midshipmen receiving medals and ribbons are authorized to wear those awards on their uniforms while in the ROTC, JROTC, or CAP programs.
• Outstanding Senior Cadet. The professor of military science selects the cadet and submits his/her name directly to AMVETS Hawaii via email:
• Outstanding Junior Cadet. The senior instructor at the high school makes the selection, with processing being the same as for the Senior Cadet awards.
The criteria is set by AFROTC Instructions 36–2020. AMVETS ROTC Medal is detailed in section 4.20. Please refer to the document referenced for full information; however, the essential points are:
4.20.1. Purpose. The award recognizes one cadet at each detachment at the end of their first year in the AFROTC program. (“First year” is not restricted to AS 100 cadets.)
4.20.2. Eligibility. Each cadet must: demonstrate a positive attitude toward the Air Force and AFROTC, demonstrate a neat personal appearance (uniform wear, posture and grooming), demonstrate outstanding personal attributes (initiative, dependability, judgment and self-confidence), demonstrate officer potential (responsibility, adaptability, high personal standards), have attained a grade of “A” in AFROTC during the most recent grading period, and be in good academic standing in all university course work.
AMVETS Heal Program:
The HEAL Mission
To ensure veterans with medical needs receive the help they have earned to access the best quality healthcare, including mental health and specialized services (traumatic brain injury, polytrauma, post-traumatic stress) and live longer, healthier lives. These services are free. You served and now it is our turn to serve you.
To accomplish the mission, AMVETS hired a team of clinical experts with experience in eliminating barriers to access in healthcare for veterans nationwide. HEAL, which stands for healthcare, evaluation, advocacy, legislation, encompasses all necessary steps the team will take to intervene directly on behalf of veterans, service members, families, and caregivers to reduce veteran suicide, unemployment, homelessness, and hopelessness as it relates to mental and physical wellness, particularly for those who are affiliated with AMVETS and utilize Polytrauma/Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) centers and mental health services within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and community healthcare facilities.
The Four Pillars of the HEAL Approach
A team of clinicians are licensed Registered Nurses who are responsible for ensuring the quality of complex care for veterans through active healthcare system monitoring and working in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs and community providers who serve veterans. Their work entails identifying necessary resources to improve the efficiency of healthcare services, to include quality of care and coordination, which is critical to delivering effective, lifelong comprehensive healthcare to the veteran population.
By continuously measuring the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services provided by VHA, to include services at VA Polytrauma/TBI centers and mental health clinics, the HEAL Team seeks opportunities to promote the enhancement of those services through a solution-oriented approach to identifying needs that are specific to issues and concerns related to healthcare for AMVETS members. These assessment and recommendations for improvement will be shared with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Directly engaging and working in collaboration with VA healthcare professionals at all levels is a critical component of the HEAL mission, particularly as it relates to mental health, Polytrauma/TBI and related issues. To accommodate the needs of current and future AMVETS members, the HEAL Program has established a helpline to troubleshoot and report issues and provide timely assistance in order to navigate for veterans and family members to find the appropriate healthcare solutions.
Championing laws and policies that benefits AMVETS members is a significant component of the HEAL mission. We will be staunch advocates in legislative and policy efforts that focus on the provision of comprehensive/complex healthcare and benefits for AMVETS members. These efforts will be carried out through direct engagement and collaboration with Congressional members and their designees with the intent to enhance quality and access to healthcare for veterans who desire to be heard on Capitol Hill.
Hawaii Veterans Beekeeping Program:
AmVets Hawaii MOA with Manoa Honey Company, LLC
Owner: Mr. Yuki Uzuhashi
Address: 930 Palm Place, Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786
Phone: 808-927-0501, POC: Kino
Volunteer Schedule starts weekly on Wednesday at 1000
Photos taken of AmVets Hawaii Commander Donovan A. Lazarus welcoming Nathan (#USMC, #Vet) aboard To our Hawai’i Veterans Beekeeping Program.
- Photos taken of AmVets Hawaii Commander Donovan A. Lazarus welcoming Nathan
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeeping workshop
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeeping workshop
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeeping workshop
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeeping workshop
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeeping workshop
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeeping workshop
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeeping workshop
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeeping workshop
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeeping workshop
Big Mahalo to Kino for being such a great trainer and mentor to our Veterans!
Location(s): Manoa Honey Company in Wahiawa and the Bee Farm in Mililani, Hawaii
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeepers Workshop
- Photo taken during Hawaii Beekeepers Workshop
- Photo taken of Service Officer, William Rodriguez during Hawaii Beekeepers Workshop
Hawaii Veterans Beekeeping Program (HAVE-BEE PROJECT) aims to develop beekeeping on Oahu and the Big Island in Hawaii by training and teaching veterans on honey bee biology, colony management. queen rearing and instrumental of queen bees and increase the income of veterans in rural areas.
HAVE-BEES project will train veterans by providing all the necessary materials (bee hives, colonies, and all the beekeeping equipment such as veils, smokers, hive toots, foundations, honey extractors and all the medicines for the diseases and parasites) for each participant veteran. Ten veterans from each Island will be chosen and trained on beekeeping in the first year, on queen rearing on the second year and on the instrumental insemination of the queen bees on the third year. All the veterans become Master Beekeepers and Queen Breeders during the project. They will have the opportunity to build a sustainable beekeeping business and produce honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, queen bees and produce package bees and/or nucleus colonies.
First Year:
Learn beekeeping basics – bee biology, equipment, hive building, honey extraction, pollen harvesting, making splits and more.
Second Year:
Learn advanced beekeeping techniques, graft queens, rear queens, manage colonies strategically to satisfy personal goals and more.
Third Year:
Learn mastery level beekeeping techniques, artificial insemination of queens, apiary management, commercial production and more.
Master Beekeeping Program Leaders:
Dr. Osman Kaftanoglu
Dr. Alicia D. Wills
Dr. Jason Graham
Wounded Warrior Program:
To assists and advocates for severely wounded, ill or injured Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families; to serve veterans and the active military in procuring their earned entitlements; to promote Americanism and preserve the freedoms secured by America’s Armed Forces and to provide community services that enhance the quality of life for all Americans.
Family Services & Suicide Education Program
To provide mental health and suicide prevention information and resources for Veterans, Wounded Warriors, Gold Star Families, Servicemembers, and their loved ones.
Ewa Field Preservation Program
Ewa Plain Battlefield was one of the first places attacked on December 7, 1941. Ewa Villages was also attacked. There were Marine and civilian casualties. The entire 1941 airfield has been nominated to the state/national register. This is a happy but respectful commemoration. All are welcome to attend and view the many bullet strafing marks and pose with WWII vehicles for picture taking.
MCAS Ewa Historic Park Project
Email Address:
Military Funeral Honors Program (Year Round):
The function of administering a Military Funeral Honors Program is to identify Post members who are willing, able and have the time necessary to devote to this very rewarding but demanding service program. (Without VSOs assisting the DoD in implementing the Authorized Provider Partnership Program, our nation’s heroes would not be receiving what they deserve nor what the law requires.) Military Funeral Honors for all eligible veterans.
VAVS (Year Round):
The function of supporting the VAVS Program is to identify volunteers that will work through the VAVS Rep. assigned to Hawaii VA facility. (It is the responsibility of the Dept. Commander to make all appointments for Reps/Deps and Associates.)
White Clover (November and/or May):
The function of administering the White Clover program is to raise funds to support our hospitalized veterans and their fellow citizens. It is about people helping people. It also provides an excellent opportunity to get community support.
National Guard MOU/Family Support (Year Round):
The function of administering an outreach program in partnership with the National Guard Bureau (NGB) is to bolster support for National Guard service members and their families, who face increasing deployments in the War on Terror. The program, formalized by a Memorandum of Understanding signed with the National Guard Bureau on 23 March 2005, significantly expands the National Guard Family Programs volunteer network. (NG FACs provides assistance for all military personnel/dependents that are in need.)
Americanism Contest (August through October):
The function of administering the Americanism Program is to annually prepare, promote and conduct the Flag Drawing, Poster, and Essay contests among as many schools and youth groups/organizations.
AADAA (August through October):
The function of administering the AMVETS Against Drugs and Alcohol Abuse, (AADAA) Program is to annually prepare, promote and conduct the Poster and Essay contests among as many schools and youth groups/organizations that you can. Every child in America is at risk of using drugs, regardless of race, ethnicity or economic status.
For information on how to apply for these programs contact
Additional Programs Supported by AMVETS Department of Hawaii and Posts level:
Our mission:
To help provide needed support and assistance for all who served honorably in the United States Armed Forces: past, present and future veterans and their families.
Our Purpose
- To inspire a sense of responsibility in AMVETS members and develop leadership to preserve the American democratic way of life.
- To help unify diverse groups in support of American democracy.
- To train our youth to become engaged citizens, fully aware of the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.
- To collaborate with all recognized veterans organizations to advance the interests of veterans who have served or are serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during and since World War II.
- To ensure the smooth transition of veterans into civilian life by protecting their rights while they are still in uniform.
- To expedite and assist in the rehabilitation of veterans by providing employment services, educational opportunities, and counsel on insurance, housing, recreation, personal matters, hospitalization, and veterans’ benefits.
- To act as a liaison between veterans and the government.
- To foster fellowship among all American veterans who have served or are serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during and since World War II.
- To remind the public that American veterans fought and served to preserve peace, liberty, and democracy for the nation.
- To inform, influence, and inspire others to serve in both military and civilian communities.
- To provide financial support and assistance to service members, veterans, and their families.
- To support the preservation of historic sites, such as Ewa Battlefield, through financial assistance.
- To help build and preserve memorials and monuments across Hawaii.
- To honor and remember not only our World War II veterans who died at Pearl Harbor and Ewa Field, but also those who sacrificed their lives in sea battles and distant coral atolls—Coral Sea, Midway, Wake—whose names often go unrecognized, along with those who died in all other conflicts.
Honoring the Past, Inspiring the Future
– Preserve and Honor: Remembering the legacy of those who came before us.
– Educate and Inspire: Passing on this legacy to future generations.
It is our duty and solemn vow to never forget those who fought and died—from the birth of our nation to the brave men of the USS Arizona, and to our fallen comrades today. May they rest in peace, knowing they will never be forgotten.
President Lincoln once said that speeches and statues are not enough to repay the service of those who defend their country. A single day of remembrance cannot fully honor the sacrifices made by these veterans. We are able to choose freedom today because of the bravery of those men and women, whose fate, on those days, was chosen for them.
AMVETS (American Veterans) is the nation’s most inclusive Congressionally-chartered veterans service organization, representing the interests of 20 million veterans. AMVETS is open to and fighting for all who honorably served in the United States military, including the Reserve and Guard. With more than 300,00 members nationwide, we are veterans serving veterans.
AMVETS NATIONAL MISSION STATEMENT: To enhance and safeguard the entitlements for all American Veterans who have served honorably and to improve the quality of life for them, their families, and the communities where they live through leadership, advocacy and service.
Mailing Address:
PO Box 2865
Ewa Beach, Hawaii (USA) 96706
Main Office: 808-382-6835
Help us Help others!
Click the “donate” button below to make a donation, today.
Over 90% of all donations received will directly fund our ROTC/JROTC Medals and Awards program, Hawaii Public Schools Essay Contests, the preservations of Ewa Battlefield, and other Memorials and Hawaii Historic sites. And will also help fund our annual commemoration ceremonies: Ewa Battlefield Pearl Harbor Commemoration, Battle of Midway Commemoration, Veteran’s Day Commemoration ceremony, and other events.
And most of all, your support will support our program initiatives to benefit our Veterans, transitioning Service members, and their families with needed assistance and advocacy.
AMVETS Charities, Inc. participates in the Combined Federal Campaign through the Military, Veterans and Patriotic Services Organizations of America federation. Our Combined Federal number is of the 50,000 charities that participate in the CFC, only about 1500 – the members of Independent Charities of America and Local Independent Charities of America – will have the opportunity to display the “Best In America” seal of approval. AMVETS Charities, Inc. is proud to be one of those chosen few. This seal of approval is a service mark of Independent Charities of America and is used under license. AMVETS NSF is responsible for the content of any materials in which the Service Mark is used.