Get VA Benefits for Mesothelioma

Veterans Support Guide

Veterans who develop mesothelioma as a result of their service in the military are entitled to benefits and assistance from the U.S. government.

How Can I Receive My VA Benefits?

Veterans make up the largest group of people diagnosed with mesothelioma because asbestos was so widely used by the military. Veterans who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma are entitled to disability compensation, pension and/or medical benefits through the VA. Surviving spouses and dependents may also qualify for compensation from the VA.

Asbestos Diseases Are Recognized by the VA

Financial Benefits
Veterans with mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer can receive full financial benefits from the VA. Learn how you and your family can get access to these benefits with free Veteran’s Support Guide.

Help Filing a Claim
Free help is available to veterans filing claims with the VA. Filing claims is a complex process because patients have to present evidence to show that their diagnosis was a result of active-duty service.

Filing VA Claims

Veterans are already entitled to benefits that the Department of Veterans Affairs provides, including but not limited to: life insurance, medical care and compensation for injury. However, veterans must actively file if they want to receive compensation for developing mesothelioma due to service-related asbestos exposure.

There are multiple ways to file an asbestos-related disability compensation claim with the VA. Veterans can elect to have their claim adjudicated under the standard processing rules, or they can elect to file an expedited claim under the “fully developed claim” rules. Determining which is best for you requires the expert advice and guidance of a skilled veteran service representative.

Veterans Service Representatives
Veterans Service Representatives (VSRs) are individuals who are skilled at dealing with the VA and are available free of charge to help veterans file a claim. Filing a claim with the VA can be tedious and confusing, which makes the experience of a VSR invaluable. Because most representatives have experience dealing with the VA, the probability of a successful claim is much higher with their help.

Aside from ensuring the best chances of a successful claim, VSRs also take stress off patients and their families. Service officers and claims agents give veterans peace of mind during the claims process. Our Veterans Service Representative, Carl Jewett, is a VA Accredited Claims Agent with years of experience in assisting veterans in filing asbestos-related VA claims. He is a 24-year Navy veteran who has helped hundreds of veterans with asbestos diseases get approved for VA Disability Compensation from the VA.

What the VA Isn’t Telling You: 3 Things Every Veteran with Mesothelioma Needs To KnowBy: Retired LCDR Carl Jewett, VA Claims Agent on September 3, 2014

Retired LCDR Carl Jewett, VA Claims Agent

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