Support Sufficient Veterans’ Health Care & Benefits Funding

Contact Your Member of Congress Today!

Today, Executive Director of AMVETS, Joseph Chenelly, signed a letter along with eight other Veterans Service Organizations asking the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to sufficiently fund Department of Veterans Affairs medical care accounts.

The letter, sent on behalf of the millions of veterans that the organizations represent, offered views on critical decisions that will be made during the upcoming Senate-House conference for the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill for FY 2017 and FY 2018 Advance Appropriations.

The bill passed by the House would significantly underfund VA’s medical care accounts, including community care, by nearly $1 billion compared to the White House request. With an overall 10 percent increase in demand on VA’s health care system, AMVETS is concerned that the lower funding level would cause VA to experience a budget shortfall that could negatively impact veterans’ health care.

We urge you to ask your legislators to support the higher funding levels contained in the Senate bill and to also support the higher funding levels for the Veterans Benefits Administration in the Senate bill that are necessary for continued progress related to claims processing and VA home loans.

Thank you, as always, for your support of American Veterans.

Take Action

Email the letter below to the recipients below now:
>> Your U.S. Senators
>> Your U.S. House Representative

I am writing as your constituent to ask that during the upcoming Senate-House conference for the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill for FY 2017 and FY 2018 Advance Appropriations, that you encourage support among your colleagues for the Senate bill which contains higher funding levels for Department of Veterans Affairs medical care accounts, and Veterans Benefits Administration account.

Supporting the bill passed by the House would significantly underfund VA’s medical care accounts, including community care, by nearly $1 billion. With an overall 10 percent increase in demand on VA’s health care system, I am concerned that the lower funding level would cause VA to experience a budget shortfall that could negatively impact veterans’ health care.

Thank you for your attention to this vital matter.

Legislative Action Center
American Veterans 2016 Legislative Priorities


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