USS Bowfin Volunteer Opportunities…

USS Bowfin

1. The USS Bowfin was commissioned one year after Pearl Harbor attack on 7 December 1942. She did a yeoman’s job of sinking enemy ships and had a glorious service record.

2. The Bowfin relies on volunteers and she needs some help to get ready for the 75th Pearl Harbor attack this year and her 75th Anniversary next year.

3. The Bowfin needs interior and exterior chores done and would ask if there are any interested folks that are willing to volunteer, the Bowfin Museum folks would be very appreciative. There is only one person working interior tasks and two working external tasks.

4. Additionally, having the Bowfin look great is a direct reflection of her years of service to our country. Any help is appreciated.

5. If there is any interest, the Bowfin point of contact is:

Mr. Billy Whitfield Jr, Bowfin Museum Director of Operations
Address: 11 Arizona Memorial Dr, Honolulu, HI 96818
Phone: 808.423.1341

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