Ewa Battlefield, Post 2 Presentation of Charter & Dedication of Colors

Photo taken of American Veterans Hawaii Commander, Donovan A. Lazarus, Ewa Battlefield, Post 2 Commander, Ron Lam, 1VC Clifford Chun and 2VC Jose Cardenas during the “Presentation of Post 2 Charter & Dedication of Colors” on 15 July 2017

Commander Lazarus: “To all members of Ewa Battlefield, Post 2,

Congratulations! I’m proud to welcome you into our ranks as an organized AmVets Post.
You have a challenging and rewarding future in front of you. Your commitment to your country, community, and fellow veterans deserves the highest recognition and commendation. I know you will represent AMVETS with honor and pride.

Remember, you have the support of AmVets National Headquarters behind you. Help us to help you by keeping us informed of your progress and any problems you might encounter.

AmVets is an organization based on participation and teamwork. Let’s continue our service together honorably, towards a better tomorrow.”

Ewa Battlefield Charter Presentation_15JUL2017

Ewa Battlefield Post Colors Presentation_15JUL2017

Ewa Battlefield, Post 2 Commander, Ron Lam: “On behalf of all the members, I dedicate these colors in the name of Ewa Battlefield, Post 2 of AMVETS, American Veterans who have served or are serving in the armed forces of the United States during and since World War II. Under this glorious U.S. Flag, heroes of all creeds and colors have fought and died to preserve a freedom cherished by people from all over the world. Let it always be the symbol of those who want freedom of thought and speech; and freedom to worship God as they desire. Let no man defile it; let no man fear to defend it.”

“And I dedicate this standard of AMVETS, the American Veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II, as a guard and sentinel to the U.S. flag. The golden wreath around the AMVETS emblem is a crown of honor for those who served their country so well, and the alert eagle the guide who shall hover over us and lead us to loftier heights.”

“The colors are dedicated to the principles of AMVETS, and to the belief that all men are equal under God and that, with the help of God, all men shall be given justice and the right to live as free people according to the Constitution.”

AMVETS National Headquarters
#EwaBeach #Kapolei #Hawaii

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