American Veterans Hawaii has been awarded an American Battlefield Protection Program Planning Grant

We are proud to announce that American Veterans (AMVETS) Hawaii has been awarded an American Battlefield Protection Program Battlefield Preservation Planning Grant of $63,000 dollars for the Ewa Battlefield project. Continue Reading →

Checkout some great shots of: Korean War POW/MIAs repatriation ceremony and…

55 American service members from the Korean War were returned by North Korea A U.S. cargo aircraft flew to North Korea to receive the remains and returned to Osan Air Continue Reading →

WWII POWs buried as unknowns get memorial marker at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific

U.S. Army Air Corps veteran Dan Crowley, 96, second from left, talked on Wednesday to Cmdr. Donovan Lazarus (American Veterans “AMVETS” Hawaii); Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Tickner (Pacific Ocean Division, Continue Reading →