Ryan Cavalear’s Funeral Service; 17 Sep (0900)


Please join us to pay tribute to a fellow veteran. Ryan Cavalear died a few days after being stabbed at the YMCA.

What: Ryan Cavalear’s funeral service

When: Monday September 17, 2018


0900-1000: Viewing

1000-1100: Buddhist Memorial Service

1100-1200: lite meal provided (beef stew, rice, potato mac salad, dessert)

Where: Borthwick Mortuary Mauka Chapel, 1330 Maunakea Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

Note. His family has requested not to have a public viewing prior to cremation.


A member of our AmVets Hawaii was killed, only days before, Ryan was greeting Hawai’i First Lady, Mrs. Ige at the Korean POW/MIAs Repatriation ceremony. Heart breaking!

Please pray for the family and friends, and our fellow veterans for the loss of Ryan Cavalear.
Ryan will be greatly missed by his son (12) and daughter (6) and us all.

Click here read what lead to the death of our brother, Ryan.

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