Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunity Placard
August 2016 Update:

1) KEY JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENTS (JVAs) – NOTE: Military affiliation with the National Guard required for these Technician, AGR, & ADOS positions:

A. Technician JVAs

– Contract Specialist, GS-1102-07: JVA HI-FY16-102, CLOSE 01 Aug 2016. This position is located at the 154th Mission Support Group, Hawaii Air National Guard, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E7 and below) of the Hawaii Air National Guard.” Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/443529500

– Logistics Management Specialist, GS-0346-09: JVA HI-FY16-103, CLOSE 04 August 2016. This position is located at the 154th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E4 to E7) of the US Armed Forces within the State of Hawaii.” Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/443703800

– Program Analyst, GS-0343-09: JVA HI-FY16-104, CLOSE 08 Aug 2016. This position is located at the Joint Forces Headquarters, G4, Surface Maintenance Management Office, Hawaii Army National Guard, Kapolei, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E4 to E8) of the Hawaii Army National Guard.” Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/444025700

– Fabrication Supervisor, WS-3401-10: JVA HI-FY16-105, CLOSE 09 Aug 2016. This position is located at the 154th Maintenance Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members [E7 (immediately promotable to E8) to E8] of the Hawaii Air National Guard.” Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/437769700

– Materials Handler, WG-6907-06: JVA HI-FY16-108, CLOSE 15 August 2016. This position is located at the 154th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E7 and below)of the Hawaii Air National Guard.”
Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/444722900

– IT Specialist (SYSADMIN), GS-2210-11: JVA HI-FY16-095, CLOSE 15 August 2016. This position is located at the 292nd Combat Communications Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard, Kahului, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E5 to E7)of the Hawaii Air National Guard.”
Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/444699600

– Information Technology Specialist (SYSADMIN), GS-2210-11: JVA HI-FY16-109, CLOSE 15 August 2016. This position is located at the 201st Air Operations Group, Hawaii Air National Guard, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E5 to E6) of the Hawaii National Guard.” Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/444852300

– Machinist, WG-3414-11: JVA HI-FY16-110, CLOSE 18 August 2016. This position is located at the 154th Maintenance Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E6 and below) of the Hawaii Air National Guard.”
Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/445079800

– Supply Technician, GS-2005-06: JVA HI-FY16-111, CLOSE 18 August 2016. This position is located at the Joint Forces Headquarters, Property Book Section, Hawaii Army National Guard, Kapolei, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E5 and below) of the Hawaii Army National Guard.”
Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/445106500

– Electronics Mechanic Supervisor, WS-2604-10: JVA HI-FY16-095, CLOSE 19 August 2016. This position is located at the 169th Air Defense Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard, Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E6 to E7) of the Hawaii National Guard.”
Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/445260500

– Contract Specialist, GS-1102-07 (Promotion Potential to GS-09/11): JVA HI-FY16-114, CLOSE 22 August 2016. This position is located at the 154th Mission Support Group, Hawaii Air National Guard, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E7 and below) of the Hawaii Air National Guard.” Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/443529500

– Communication/Information Maintenance Manager, GS-1601-13: JVA HI-FY16-115, CLOSE 22 August 2016. This position is located at the 169th Air Defense Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard, Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present commissioned officers (O3 to O4) of the Hawaii National Guard.” Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/445520100

– Supply Technician, GS-2005-07: JVA HI-FY16-116, CLOSE 22 August 2016. This position is located at the 154th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Recruitment Area — “Present enlisted members (E6 and below) of the US Armed Forces within the State of Hawaii.” Click below to see the actual announcement: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/445564600

B. Active Guard Reserve (AGR) JVAs

– Nationwide Announcement is made of the following Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Basic Branch Recruiter position in the Illinois Army National Guard. JVA closes 2 August 2016. See GKO for full announcement in PDF.

– Nationwide Announcement is made of the following Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Battalion Logistics Officer position in the Illinois Army National Guard. JVA closes 2 August 2016. See GKO for full announcement in PDF.

– Nationwide Announcement is made of the following Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Battalion Admin Officer position in the Illinois Army National Guard. JVA closes 2 August 2016. See GKO for full announcement in PDF.

– Nationwide Announcement is made of the following Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Human Resources NCO position in the West Virginia Army National Guard. JVA closes 5 August 2016. See GKO for the full announcement in PDF.

*** – Army AGR JVA FY2016-16, Recruiting and Retention NCO, E6, SQI-4, Recruiting and Retention Battalion, Hawaii Army National Guard, Kapolei, Hawaii, closes 12 August 2016. (Position assignment is subject to any island in the State of Hawaii.) Open to present, enlisted members of the Hawaii Army National Guard in the grade of E5 – E6. See GKO for the JVA to see the full details.

C. Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) JVAs

– None this month

D. Non-Military Positions (Hawaii)

(a) **** Intelligence Analysts (Aerotek) ****

We are supporting Intelligence work for PACOM and SOCPAC out of Camp Smith with approximately 12-15 Intelligence Analysts. We have positions for all experience levels and flavors of analyst.

If you are an Intel analyst, All-source analyst, Environmental, GEOINT, Policy or analysts of any type with a specialization in the South East Asia Pacific Regions or Russia- please contact Kyle McCall at kmccall@aerotek.com or 808-838-4965

Each of these positions has the potential to pay in the 6 figures range depending on experience, great benefits package and can hire immediately!!

(b) **** VA Benefits Advisor **** – Flyer attached

Full-time, Benefits Available.
This position will be at Marine Corp Base (MCB) Hawaii.
Position begins in August 2016. See the attached flyer for details.


** August 3rd – Career Expo 2016 Job Fair – Wednesday, August 3rd at the Neal Blaisdell Center (NBC) – Flyer attached

** NEW August 7th – College Financial Aid Workshop – 11:00 am-12:00 noon on Sunday, August 7th at the Hollister Auditorium, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.
POC: Tim Fujino, Ph. (808) 342-4207 – Flyer attached

** August 19th – Hawaii Warrior Job Fair – Friday, August 19th at the Hale Koa Hotel – Flyer attached

** NEW August 23rd – Bloomingdale’s Ala Moana Networking Event – 5:00-6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 23rd at the Hollister Auditorium, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.
RSVP: Danielle.Muffat@Bloomingdales.com

September 6th – FBI Recruitment Brief – MCBH, Bldg. 219, Classroom 2; 1000-1200. Register at www.mccshawaii.com/trp/

** September 30th – 2016 Veteran Stand Down on Oahu – 9:00 am-1:00 pm on Friday, September 30, 2016 at McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Beach Park

October 3rd – FBI Recruitment Brief – MCBH, Bldg. 219, Classroom 2; 1000-1200. Register at www.mccshawaii.com/trp/ or E-Mail Jeff Esposito at: jeffrey.esposito@usmc.mil

** October 6th – Centurion Military Alliance – Free Warrior Transition Program – 8:00 am-4:00 pm on Thursday, October 6th at the Hale Koa Hotel.

Registration & Event Details at: www.cmawarrior.org/events

October 18-19 – National Transition Summit – October 18-19 at Schofield Barracks

3) New HING State Tuition Assistance Policy (STAP)

The Hawaii National Guard (HING) State Tuition Assistance Program has been updated with a new policy effective Fall 2016.
STEM is gone and there is now potential for more financial assistance for our Soldier/Airmen-Students!

– HIARNG Soldiers – The New policy is available on HKO under the G1 Education & Incentives Section

– HIANG Airmen – Contact the Recruiting Office ph. (808) 448-8136 -or- Tim Fujino at ph. (808) 672-1250

Employment Assistance

OAHU & Statewide JOBS – AUGUST 2016


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