ALCON: For widest dissemination, AMVETS COVID-19 Update Link: Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of each other, Hooah! Leave No One Behind! Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255, Veterans press Continue Reading →

Press Release for Vet HEAL Summit 2020: Help Heal American Veterans

PRESS RELEASE: Vet HEAL Summit 2020: Help Heal American Veterans For widest dissemination, Upcoming Event: AMVETS Vet HEAL Summit: Healthcare, Evaluation, Advocacy, and Legislation  When: 27- 28 March 2020 from Continue Reading →

Calling All Riders…

Riders get out and enjoy some camaraderie and fellowship with fellow veterans and servicemembers… Please distro as needed to our brother and sister who ride. This is not limited to Continue Reading →

Ewa Battlefield Preservation Update – August 2019

Louis Berger Summary of Activities and Accomplishments – Interpretive Plan Development TASK 1: DEVELOP INTERPRETIVE PLAN FOR EWA FIELD BATTLEFIELD AREA – Preparing first draft report for battlefield interpretive plan Continue Reading →

Rampage: MacArthur, Yamashita, and the Battle of Manila

James Scott’s eloquent and comprehensive history of the Rape of Manila will be formally released for sale on October 30th. MacArthur’s Bloody Promise Imperial Japan’s Brutal Destruction of Manila in Continue Reading →

Evolution of Ewa Plain Battlefield

War! December 7th, 1941, a date that will live in infamy… Brief Timeline/ Evolution of Ewa Battlefield/Plain: 1851: Ewa Field owned by the Hawaiian Royal Family 1864: Ha’alele’a’s second wife, Continue Reading →

AmVets Hawaii Vision Concept Plan for MCAS Ewa Field Memorial Park

Click the “donate” button below to make a donation, today. MCAS Ewa Historic Park Project AmVets Hawaii Envisioned Historic Memorial Park Concept – DRAFT Ewa Field – MCAS Ewa Historic Continue Reading →

Hawaii Veterans Master Beekeeping Program

ALCON: For widest dissemination, Great opportunities for military veterans and their families… American Veterans (AmVets) Hawaii believe the HAVE-BEES Project will be a great success and has an impact in Continue Reading →

Hawaii Veterans Beekeeping Project

Hawaii Veterans Beekeeping Project Flyer ALCON: For widest dissemination, Next Meeting & Open Hive Demo 27 January 2018 from 1130-1600 Hawaii Queen Bees Where: 65-650 Kaukonahua Rd, Waialua, HI 96791 Continue Reading →