Year-End Legislative Update

New Veteran-Related Laws In mid-December the President signed a number of bills into law prior to the 114th Congress adjourning for Christmas Break. The 115th Congress will begin on January Continue Reading →

Job Search & Interviewing Techniques Workshop

Sign up for this Employment Prep Workshop! This workshop will introduce you to the necessary interview rules and expectations. Learn how to impress your potential employer and increase your chances Continue Reading →

Veterans’ Day Appreciation – FREE AmVets Annual Membership

Veterans’ Day is November 11th. As a token of our appreciation for your military service AMVETS offers FREE annual membership during the week of 6 Nov – 12 Nov 2016. Continue Reading →

Coffee Talk at West Oahu Vet Center

Starting Monday July 18th and every 3rd Monday of the month going forward, the West Oahu Vet Center will have our Coffee Talk group for OIF/OEF/OND Veterans! All Veterans of Continue Reading →


SPONSORED BY: VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Oahu July 2016 workshop Date: July 9, 2016 Time: 9am to 12pm Who: Veterans, Widows, Family Members, and Advocates Where: Oahu Veterans Center, 1298 Kukila Continue Reading →

Remembering the Battle of the Somme, World War One

Remembering the Battle of the Somme, WW I July 1, 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of The Somme. On that single worst day in Continue Reading →

AMVETS 2016 Legislative Priorities

Federal Government Reform •Extend Advanced Appropriations to all Remaining Discretionary & Mandatory Programs •Strengthen Accountability & Ease VA Hiring Protocols •Implement Whistleblower Protections •Ensure Adequate Investment in VA Capital Infrastructure Continue Reading →

Ewa Battlefield Memorial Day Commemoration

As Memorial Day approaches, it’s a time when we think about our brothers and sisters we served with who are no longer with us. Perhaps we remember a battle buddy Continue Reading →

Ewa Plain Battlefield listed in National Historic Site Registry

Great News, Everyone! Ewa Plain Battlefield (Ewa Mooring Mast Field) was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on May 23, 2016. National level-Criterion A and D. Look for Continue Reading →